• 10 Universities for GRE 290 - 300 Range

    There are couple of decent US universities for GRE score range 290 - 300. You can apply to these universities if your scores are low. These universities have reasonable tuition and just require minimum range of GRE sore.

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    10 Universities for GRE 290 - 300 Range

    Universities for GRE 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299,300 with low tuition fee.

    University of Houston, Clearlake
    University of North Florida
    Texas State University, San Marocs
    University of Southern Mississippi (USM)
    California State University, Fullerton
    University of Arkansas Little Rock
    Boise State university, Idaho
    University of Texas, Arlington
    University of Wyoming
    Texas A&M university, Kingsville
    Colorado Technical university
    Comments 55 Comments
    1. sridhar04's Avatar
      sridhar04 -
      Good info !!
      Can you also give a similar kinda list for 300-310 plz
    1. ujjwal's Avatar
      ujjwal -
      Can you plz give the same for 300-310 score
    1. sridhar04's Avatar
      sridhar04 -
      Thank you
    1. raj1801's Avatar
      raj1801 -
      Good info.. thanks
    1. sreyoshi09's Avatar
      sreyoshi09 -
      Can you please suggest universities for GRE Score-300-320?
    1. Swagata's Avatar
      Swagata -
      I have got a 300 score in GRE, can i apply for University of Florida, Gainesville?
    1. shivu's Avatar
      shivu -
      Hey i have a score of ( Quant-154,Verbal-142)...and cgpa of 8.0/10....can u give me some good universities that i am sure of getting into?? no history of backlogs...For MS in mechanical engineering...and will i get into "University of santa barbara california "??
    1. Vandana21's Avatar
      Vandana21 -
      Please let me know the Universities for Spring13, GRE 285(140 Quants, 145-verbal) and 6 In IELTS, with 73% IT (B-tech)
    1. charanv's Avatar
      charanv -
      Can I apply to those univs with backlogs........my score is 293 n my backlogs r 10 plz suggest me.....
    1. golisagar's Avatar
      golisagar -
      Please help in taking a decision whether to take IELTS or TOEFL and I am trying for the Universities only in USA.
    1. pramodbn's Avatar
      pramodbn -
      Can you please Evaluate my profile .
      GRE - 311 (Quant - 159, Verbal - 152)
      BE in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore Institute of Technology
      Aggregate-77.67%, no backlogs

      Which universities should i apply ?? My main criteria is the Department of Mechanical Engineering should be very good even if the overall ranking is average.
      Thank You
    1. Bala200589's Avatar
      Bala200589 -
      Hi Ajay,

      It would be helpful if you would mention the two decent universities out of the 10.

    1. akhilgowda's Avatar
      akhilgowda -
      Dear All,

      I have got admit from Texas tech and Louisiana State university. But i have confusion in choosing in these two. Could some one kindly guide me or tell me which would be a better university for my graduate studies in electrical engineering.
      Please respond to me. I will be really thankful to you.


    1. charanv's Avatar
      charanv -
      go for lsu
    1. aruna1's Avatar
      aruna1 -
      hello,i got 292 in gre,79.48 aggregate in academics,i want to do ms in computers.which universities are suitable for my results,plz tell me
    1. snigdha21's Avatar
      snigdha21 -
      hi... my GRE score z 298(verbal:142 n Quant:156) AWA:3.0
      btech in cse:8.1CGPA
      2 projects on artificial intelligence
      can ny1 please mention me good universities for masters as per my profile ?
    1. saiharsha's Avatar
      saiharsha -
      applying for fall 2013 .. GRE:297 ( Q:148 V:149),toefl: 92 ;
      10th 85% .. +2: 78% .. finishing b.tech in 2013 : 60% (JNTU affiliated college)
      7 backlogs and still 1 current backlog
      suggest me some universities for M.S in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering
      Thank You :-)
    1. nukala.c's Avatar
      nukala.c -
      even i secured 298 in GRE and my AWA score is 2.5 what score should i get in TOEFL to get a univ with scholarship???????? pls reply
    1. EIE13's Avatar
      EIE13 -
      Can you also give a similar kinda list for MIS for GRE 295
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