• F1 Visa Interview at Chennai Consulate - Approved for University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)

    Student got F1 Visa Interview approved for The University of Texas at Dallas. Go through F1 Visa Interview Experience of Vignesh to know the Questions asked in the F1 Visa Interview.
    F1 Visa Interview Experience in Chennai Consulate - UTD

    Consulate: Chennai
    Decision: Approved
    Date & Time: June 07-2012 and 8:15 hours slot
    University: The University of Texas at Dallas
    Counter No: 19
    Token No: N142

    Attire: WHITE Tommy Hilfiger full-hand shirt + BROWN Derby trousers + BLACK leather shoes

    Appearance: Clean shaven with litres of after-shave lotion applied all over the face.
    Am not explaining the initial procedures as it was already explained by many. Let me go skip this section and will proceed to what happened in the VISA Interview lobby.
    VISA Lobby was very noisy, with kids playing around, Indians gossiping and giggling, babies crying all the time; it was a fun sight to control and ease our pressure.
    Was sitting next to Counter 19, was hoping not to get interviewed in this counter, as the VO was very serious, so heavily dignified and was being so professional. Never saw him with a pleasant smile.
    Suddenly, N142 flashed on the big SONY Bravia LCD TV. Counter no 19 it was, ’OMG’ and later I said to myself ‘Hey, it’s time to prove yourself’. The officer in my counter was damn serious and did not even afford a smile to anyone who went in front of me, but the kind chap was approving many visas and rejecting few. Good sign indeed: D
    A gal was standing behind me, F1 I presume, but I did not let off my concentration. I said to myself, “Control, Control… It’s your life bro”. Smiled and laughed visualising these scenes and my turn came. Here comes the main picture. Enjoy folks. Get ready for the action I told myself. ‘Whatever it is I need to fight it out’ was running through my mind. As South Indian super star Ilayathalapthy Dr.Vijay and Aamir khan says, I said ‘ALL IZ WELL’ 11 times to myself with hands in my heart.

    Vignesh : Happy morning Sir, how are you?
    VO: Hey, am doing great. How are you?
    Vignesh: Am doing well Sir, thank you. (Initial drama over: D)
    VO: Pass your GRE/TOEFL marksheets.
    Vignesh: Yes sir, few seconds and here they are sir.
    VO: thank you, what was your UG major?
    Vignesh: Bachelors degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering.
    VO: Cool, your aggregate?
    Vignesh: 81% Sir
    VO: Good, any backlogs?
    Vignesh: absolutely no Sir: D (as my academics and work experience were my real strength in my profile)
    VO: So, you are heading to UTD!! What about other admits ?
    Vignesh: I have 2 admits as of now Sir and waiting to hear from a couple more universities.
    VO: What will you do if you get admits from them?
    Vignesh: I had already finalised my destination sir and I won’t revert back my decision(saying to myself, ‘he is believing whatever am saying, OMG..’)
    VO: hmm. SO why UTD?
    Vignesh: If offers specialised courses in Database Design/Systems and data mining which aligned with my field of interest. Moreover, they possess an exclusive DB and Data mining lab which fascinated me a great deal and lot of active research going on in that arena.
    VO: Sounds good, what specialization? (Myself: are you mad? I told DB and Data mining in my last response, but now this question.. Anyways, I need to answer again to get my VISA. That drived me)
    Vignesh: In Database Design/Systems and Data Mining Sir. On my association with Cognizant, although being a fulltime Dot Net application developer, I had an opportunity to work on several databases which includes Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2. On doing so, I saw the great potential and scope involved in this field by attending many webinars and conferences, mainly being Query performance tuning, capacity management, data mining and streamlining of network traffic data. Moreover, in India, there is a great demand and respect for DB administrators/architects but the labour is in shortage. So I want to take up this field, and take it from there.
    VO: You being so passionate (lol lol :P highlight comedy), so what are your plans after masters?
    Vignesh: I will return home and associate myself with Top MNC’s for the post of DB administrator/architect.
    VO: So, how is sponsoring you?
    Vignesh: My parents.
    VO: What are they?
    Vignesh: Told
    VO(typed for a minute): Your visa is approved. Your passport should be ready in a day’s time.
    Vignesh: You made it my day Sir J thank you. (Mind voice: it’s time for a ROCK song J).
    Rushed outside the consulate, told my mom and hugged her. Called up dad to inform him, reached home, went to temple, informed my near and dear ones, had lunch, a shower then and yet again to work L
    It’s easy and so stupid to say ‘don’t be tensed, don’t be nervous, thingy…’ , but in factual life, you can’t be like that. All I can say is ‘just be confident’ (I know you guys are well aware of, just sayingJ). The tension would creep up min by min until you start your conversation with VO, from then I will be just like a formal interaction. Hope this experience help at least few. Cheers guys, ‘ALL IZ WELL’.
    golu23, prabhavitc and shareeni like this.
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    1. mofolgopec's Avatar
      mofolgopec -
      HnLvQC <a href="http://xpxynimcucue.com/">xpxynimcucue</a>, jngvpaygajjw, [link=http://uwmcjkhxallq.com/]uwmcjkhxallq[/link], http://tgrvyliwsipl.com/
    1. neha19's Avatar
      neha19 -
      Have secured admit in UTD MS in ITM for fall 2017. Waiting for response from 1) UIC, UB and GSU. Got admit from CMU Australia. Which one to choose.
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Go for Australia
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