Date:-2nd DEC,2013
Time:-8.00 a.m
Token no:-E103
Counter No:-16
Profile:GRE:-283;IELTS:6.0;U.G:70%(7 BL).
I was there at the consulate by 6.45 a.m. By 7.30 a.m they started the queue. I was the first person in the queue. Checked in at 7.35 a.m. I was waiting for the token numberat the waiting hall. Around 8.05 a.m they started the issuing of token . I thought i would be the first person but E100 was given to other person nest dependent visa E101,E102 then it was mine E103. After the checking moved inside and was sitting beside E100 issued person. He was like changing his slang and was talking good english. After that at 8.20 a.m the token numbers where flashing on the screen.
Now serving E100-counter 16,E101-counter 16,E102-counter-16,E103-Counter 16.
So many of them told me that counter 16 is too dangerous .
Then my turn.
My Visa Interview
Me:-Good Morning Mam. How are you today?Vo:-I am good.How are you?
Me:-I am good mam.
Vo:-when did you pass out?
Me:-May 2013 mam.
Vo:-What are you percentages?

Vo:-What 70 % with 7 backlogs?
Me:-Yes mam.
Vo:-Can I see your transcripts.
Me:- Surely mam.(I gave my transcripts).
Observing every single transcripts.
Vo:-I think your 2-2 was bad. I think its a girl!!!!!!!!!
Me:-No mam.... I participated in many national level events & State level too.
Vo:-Ok. How many universities did you apply?
Me:- 2 mam.University Of Michigan-Flint & California State Univerity.
Vo:-How did you know about this universities?
Me:-I have attended a education fair....
Vo:-That was hosted by the consultancy?
Me:-No mam.
Vo:-Thats not a problem.If you go with consultancy.
Me:-No mam. I didnt go to any consultancy.
Vo:-How old are you?
Me:-21 mam.
Vo:-place your fingers on the scanner.
Me:-Yes mam.
Vo:-What is your father?
Me:-Central gvt Employee and works for .......
Vo:-You were having backlogs in Your U.G. Give me a strong reason that how can you do well in your masters.
Me-My backlogs were upto my 3-1 mam. I was not able to balance my education and extra curclr activities. But after 3-1 I succeded from 3-2 and maintained very good pecentages. In my final semester got 82.5% mam.
Vo:-ok... Why only this university?
ME:-This university.....
Vo:-Don't tell me the answers what all you prepared.As a human being why you want to go to this university?
Me:-(Aypoindi ika gt rejected ankuna) I got a very good public university and doing masters from university of michigan gives me a good job back in india.
Vo:- You are killing me man....
Me:- Thank you mam. You have made my day.
Came out running. The ground staff were telling me to go slow...Was going slow and then started running....
1)Maintain Eye Contact.
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