• What is a Good GRE Score in Revised GRE Test?

    Many of you might be interested to know what is a Good GRE score? and how much GRE score do i require to apply to US Universities.

    Score range for GRE is 260-340 (Including verbal and Quant).

    Here is the categorization of the scores. If you are targeting TOP 20 universities you have to get 300+ for engineering major. Any score above 300 + will get you admission from a Decent university.

    GRE Score Range About GRE Score Universities you can target
    330+ Excellent Grade A+
    315-330 Good Grade A-, Grade A
    295-315 Average Grade B+, Grade B, Grade B-
    280-295 Below Average Grade C
    <280 Retake GRE Grade D

    Any score below 280 is not Good. It is better to retake GRE or you will end with admissions from low ranked universities.
    naznin, aswini, sprudhvi and 1 others like this.
    Comments 40 Comments
    1. George's Avatar
      George -
      my score is 316/340 (v-155 q-161 ) but my awa score is 3/6 .
      i want to pursue MS in CS
      should i retake GRE ?
      my engg score is 70%
    1. keshob's Avatar
      keshob -
      and what about TOEFL is 103 agood one
    1. cherukuri_ajay's Avatar
      cherukuri_ajay -
      103 is Awesome in TOEFL.
    1. manasa's Avatar
      manasa -
      hai,my gre score-284,awa-2.0,toefl-92,acads-75%..i dont want to retake gre as i have already taken it twice..pls suggest me some good universities..
    1. zaki's Avatar
      zaki -
      my gre score is 287(q-144,v-143 awa-3) toefl 89 and acads-60% with 8 backlogs and i need one safe university to apply plz suggest whether i shud retake gre or not coz this is d second tym i hav repeated gre last tym i got 780 n this tym 880=287
    1. A2K007's Avatar
      A2K007 -
      hi all,

      Please mention which are A+, A, A- etc universities are.

    1. kishoreh91's Avatar
      kishoreh91 -
      I have 309/340. AWA 4/6. is this good enough ? I am doing chemical engineering s6. have gpa 8.78 till s4. want to get admission in university of delaware or university of wisconsin. pls do reply
    1. VimalaDevi's Avatar
      VimalaDevi -
      hai i havent got my official gre score but i think i am in grade c can i get admission in sanfransisco state university my acads are 62% and how much should i get in TOEFL?
    1. nirlipth's Avatar
      nirlipth -
      hi.... My Gre Score(From Powerprep tool)
      verbal= (280 to 380) and quant= (750 to 800).
      Interested field = Embedded systems .
      Undergrad score=80%.
      Please suggest the universities i can apply for ..... Approx...
    1. Kartik6402's Avatar
      Kartik6402 -
      Hi my New GRE Score is 293(v-137 Q-156) and i have a work exp of 1.5 yrs.
      TOEFL 81
      Will i get admission in any of the following univ
      Univ Of Houston,Main campus.
      Univ Of Texas,Dallas.
      Texas A&M CollStation.
    1. ceils's Avatar
      ceils -
      Quote Originally Posted by cherukuri_ajay View Post
      103 is Awesome in TOEFL.

      Hi , I am Tanveer Ahmad ,Final yr Electronics Engg. Student at Aligarh Muslim University. I have a CPI of 7.18 ... i had applied to university of Toledo only as I had a senior in there.got an admit and full tuition scholarship.have received I20. My GRE is 315 and TOEFL is 108. With my CPI and scores I fear i may not get much good offers than this ,as i m much dependent on scholarship. Now the problem is i have applied to only 1 university as i was late in applying and got admit letter quickly. And i would be able to get my provisional degree by 9th july. so when should I apply for VISA and what r my chances of getting visa since i have applied to only 1 university. On my I20 ,9th August is given as the date to arrive. Please advice me how to move ahead.
    1. jhp277's Avatar
      jhp277 -
      which university should i apply???
    1. mm99's Avatar
      mm99 -
      q-167 v-146 (312) cpi-8.61 suggest me unis.. plz
    1. nitin15's Avatar
      nitin15 -
      no you should not retake any exams,U have a grear score,just go for it with a decent soP and LOR
    1. sagar_supe's Avatar
      sagar_supe -
      Please evaluate my profile:

      Gre : 312 (v:151, q:161)
      HSC: 63%
      BE in Chemical Engg: 60% agg. of first six sems (Bharati Vidyapeeth College Of Engg. (Navi - Mumbai)
      1 month internship at asian paints,1 3-day training program at RCF
      can get recos from asian paints, college Dept. HOD
      4 Tpps inter collegiate level,
      Tech head of current IIChe student chapter of college
      Have applied for MS in Chemical Engg. in following Univ:
      Univ oF Pennsylvania
      Georgia tech
      Univ of Delaware
      NYC polytechnic

      Is there any chance for me to get in any A- or A grade univ with this profile?? IF yes plz suggest.
    1. saitarun's Avatar
      saitarun -
      hi, my gre scre is 292 (verbal-136,quant-156) is this a acceptable scre or should i retake, plz help out me
    1. kannan4evr's Avatar
      kannan4evr -
      hi..t. applied for my graduate study. MS in mechanical.. my GRe 310 (v 151 q 159 ).. toefl 108...can anyone tell me whether il be admitted to the following univs

      texas A & M
      arizona state
      michigan state
      missouri universiy , rolla
      colorado state
    1. Indraneel's Avatar
      Indraneel -
      Hi, my gre score is 303 and i got 88 in toefl... i have 81% in engg. want to pursue masters in electrical engg. please suggest me some good universities??
    1. Swathi Jpr's Avatar
      Swathi Jpr -
      With Gre 310 and toefl 101, Can I get full scholarship ?
    1. Vaskar's Avatar
      Vaskar -
      you can apply the same step of 6c2a0 steps for GRE test preparation.You can find a dlietead 20 Step GRE Study Plan. Filed Under: GMAT Tagged With: GMAT Test Prep Comments Policy: Use a valid email address.
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