F1 Visa Interview Experience of a Student in New Delhi Consulate with No GRE Score and IELTS 6.5
My VISA EXPERIENCE (MAY 9)[Sorry for Late Post ]
PROFILE : UG- 78% , IELTS - 6.5 NO GRE
CONSULATE : NEW DELHI !! (The Lady rejected all the VISAS before me ..She wasn't having smiling face and it seems to be harder to convince her )
Here its goes ...
ME : Good Morning Mam , How are you doing ?
VO: Good Morning .. I am doing good !! (Pass your documents )
ME : Sure Mam !
VO : Which University ?
ME : Told
VO : How many other universities you applied to ?(She was just looking at I20)
ME : Apart from this I have applied to CSU, Fullerton ; UIS , Springfield, FIU , Whichita State Uni ( No short forms used )
VO : How do you come to know about this university ?
ME : Mam through my extensive research that I conducted online and I took an advisory session at USIEF (full form )
VO : How many years old are you ?
ME : told !!
VO : Whos sponsoring you ?
ME : Mam my Mother is sponsoring me plus I have got GA from the university !!
VO : What does your Mom do ?
ME : Mam shes teaching as a lecturer in govt school from past 22 years !!
VO : What about your Dad ?
ME : Mam he is in defence from past 28 years !!(she was busy typing )
VO : I approve your Visa(she smiled first time) .. Enjoy your stay !!
ME : Thank you so much Mam !! and run away with smiling face :-)
P.S. : 1)She didn't ask me for a single document she just checked my I20 !!
2)She didnt ask income of my parents , Nothing about UG % or score cards
May be it was my luck but moreover GOD'S Blessing !!
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