• MS in Industrial Engineering, MS in Manufacturing Engineering US Universities

    List of US Universities for MS in Industrial Engineering, MS in Manufacturing, MS in Industrial and Management Engineering . Most of these Schools are offering Masters or PhD in Industrial Engineering and few of them have MS/Phd in Manufacturing Engineering. GRE scores required also given.

    US Universities for MS in Industrial Engineering, MS in Manufacturing Engineering, MS in Industrial and Management Engineering

    For Industrial, mechanical, manufacturing engineering students, US Universities have graduate programs in Industrial Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Operations research, Logistics, Supply chain Management. Here is the GRE scores required for Industrial engineering programs at US universities.

    These Majors cover courses like - Time series Analysis, Supply Chain Management, Work Systems, Quality Control, Industrial Safety, Neural networks etc.

    Industrial Engineering Management, Manufacturing Universities for GRE 325+

    1 Columbia University
    2 Cornell University
    3 Georgia Institute of Technology
    4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    5 North Carolina State University
    6 Northwestern University
    7 Pennsylvania State University, University Park
    8 Purdue University, West Lafayette
    9 Stanford University
    10 Texas A&M University, College Station
    11 University of California, Berkeley
    12 University of Florida
    13 University of Illinois, Urbana ​Champaign
    14 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
    15 University of Wisconsin, Madison
    16 Virginia Tech

    Industrial Engineering Management, Manufacturing Universities for GRE 318 +

    17 Arizona State University
    18 Auburn University
    19 George Mason University
    20 Iowa State University
    21 Lehigh University
    22 Naval Postgraduate School
    23 Ohio State University
    24 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    25 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
    26 University at Buffalo, SUNY
    27 University of Arizona
    28 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
    29 University of Pennsylvania
    30 University of Pittsburgh
    31 University of Southern California
    32 University of Texas, Austin
    33 University of Virginia
    34 University of Washington

    Industrial Engineering Management, Manufacturing Universities for GRE 310+

    35 Air Force Institute of Technology
    36 Case Western Reserve University
    37 Clemson University
    38 George Washington University
    39 Missouri University of Science & Technology
    40 Northeastern University
    41 Oklahoma State University
    42 Oregon State University
    43 University of Central Florida
    44 University of Illinois, Chicago
    45 University of Iowa
    46 University of Louisville
    47 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
    48 University of Oklahoma
    49 University of South Florida
    50 Washington University in St. Louis

    Industrial Engineering Management, Manufacturing Universities for GRE 300 +

    51 Binghamton University, SUNY
    52 Boston University
    53 Colorado State University
    54 Florida State University
    55 Kansas State University
    56 Mississippi State University (Bagley)
    57 New Jersey Institute of Technology
    58 New Mexico State University
    59 North Carolina A&T State University
    60 Ohio University
    61 Portland State University
    62 Stevens Institute of Technology
    63 Texas Tech University
    64 University of Alabama, Huntsville
    65 University of Cincinnati
    66 University of Houston
    67 University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    68 University of Miami
    69 University of Missouri
    70 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    71 University of Texas, Arlington
    72 University of Toledo
    73 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
    74 Wayne State University
    75 West Virginia University
    76 Western Michigan University
    77 Wichita State University
    78 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    Industrial Engineering Management, Manufacturing Universities for GRE 280 +

    79 Southern Methodist University
    80 University of Texas, San Antonio
    81 University of Texas, Pan American
    82 Western New England University
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. akinzie's Avatar
      akinzie -
      Pls i had 139 in Verbal reasoning, 134 in Quantitative reasoning and 2.0 in analytical writing. i will be writing my TOEFL soon.
      Which of the university can you help me with.


    1. anutha's Avatar
      anutha -
      Is university of central missuori good for indistrial engineering and mechanical engineering... what grade of university does it come under. i dont see it in the universities list provided by you.. Please help me
    1. NMangesh's Avatar
      NMangesh -
      My graduation percentage is 57.06%. BE Production. GRE score is 286, Q-149,V-137. I have published one Research Paper in ELSVIER International Conference. IELTS - 7. please evaluate my profile for MS Industrial for Fall 15.
    1. ajaypm's Avatar
      ajaypm -
      I have finished my BE in Mech with 63% from VTU, Karnataka.
      later topped the MIT college for CAD CAM CAE with 74% percent ( out of 80 students of the batch)
      I was then recruited in Faurecia Interior Systems, Pune and worked there as CAD engineer for 1.5 years in Seating Innovations Dept (R&D).
      I left my job 3 months back and stated preparing for GRE and TOEFL
      I got my scores as follows.
      GRE - 297 - Verb- 147 Quant-150 AWA - 3.5

      TOEFL - 91 ( all sections above 20)

      I am applying for fall-2014 and need an evaluation for the same.

      Universities I am applying are (Preference wise)
      1. Uni of MI, Ann Arbor.(hop i get it)
      2. Wayne state Uni, Detroit, MI
      3. Texas Tech University.
      4. Northen Illinois Univeristy, Chicago.

      I wud also like to hear weather a career in Industrial Engg will help me project a good career ahead.
      Frankly speaking I want to be a person of ideas as I have always been and I see Ind Engg as my destination.

      Waiting for ur feed backs friends.
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      GRE 284
      IELTS 6.0
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -

      My GRE score is V-144 Q 158.
      Toefl 82
      CGPA 6.3

      suggest me which is the best college for MS in Industrial Engg
    1. adbagadia's Avatar
      adbagadia -

      My gre is 302
      V 144
      Q 158

      TOEFL 82
      CGPA 6.23

      plz guide me universities for MS in Industrial Engineering.

    1. adbagadia's Avatar
      adbagadia -

      My gre is 302
      V 144
      Q 158

      TOEFL 82
      CGPA 6.23

      plz guide me universities for MS in Industrial Engineering.

    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Gre 295, acads 75%, toefl 87,AWA 4
      Can you please suggest good colleges for ms in industrial engineering
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