Name: Bassam El Ali
Nationality: Lebanese
Embassy Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Visa Type: F1
So i apparently had an appointment on the 29th of July, but i constantly begged to set it to an earlier date because I'm supposed to the report the college before the 5th of August or else I'm terminated from the SEVIS.
So it was set on the 21th of June (today) at 9:00am.
I collected and rounded up all papers i could think of including:
- I20 Form
- SEVIS Payment reciept
- Application Confirmation Page
- High School Diploma
- High School Grades of the last three years
- A print-out of the email that proves my interview was earlified (if there's such a word for it :s)
- The Acceptance Letter from the college
- Two letters from the bank proving my financial capabilities.
- Passport
And i was NERVOUS AS HELL!!!!!!
I swear first off, the security guy at the embassy entrance checked my passport and my stuff and told me to take back the Diploma because hard covers aren't allowed inside. So there goes a 10 minutes trip back to the parking garage.
Next, he frisked me and search my contents.
Went to the reception, waiting 4 minutes for the woman to stop chewing gum and typing on her computer until she finally let me in.
I was frisked yet again.
Inside the Embassy, i was told you wait at the end of the line of Window number Two.
And my God what a line that was.
30 minutes later it was finally my turn, And my fingerprints were scanned on the machine and was asked for a picture. I had one but it was 3x3 which is not what they wanted, they wanted a 5x5 so they told me to go the Kodak place next to the embassy then come back.
Back i went, 10 minutes to the kodak shop, took a picture, headed back.
Frisked once,
Then twice,
Then back to the big line.
After i gave him my photo, he tells me to sit and wait.
an HOUR later, my name finally calls up and im told to head to Window 4
And here's how it went:
Me: Hello there *with a normal facial expression because i was too tired, mad, anxious and nervous to show any smile*
Agent: Hello and good morning to you!
Agent: Your name?
Me: Bassam El Ali
Agent: Okayy and where are you going to?
Me: Texas, sir.
Agent: Alright and who will you be staying with?
Me: My aunt
Agent: How long has she been in the states?
Me: I think about 30 years. She has a citizenship.
Agent: Who will be paying for your stay?
Me: My father
Agent: What's your father's occupation?
Me: A principal, sir.
Agent: A school principal?
Me: No, a University principal in Tripoli.
Agent: Why did you choose Richland College?
Me: Frankly sir, I applied to five universities. One in Detroit, and four in Texas. I chose Richland because its in the heart of Richardson. Richardson is place full of life and lots to do, including the fact that it's cheaper than all of the colleges i applied to and it's close to my aunt's house.
Agent: I see.
*types a bit on his computer*
Agent: You can have these back *gives me the I-20 and SEVIS receipt*
Agent: Your Visa has been approved, you may come on Wednesday to receive your passport
Me: (shocked and surprised) Really? You don't need anything else? No bank letters, no grades.. ?
Agent: No that'll be all, thank you.
Me: No thank YOU!

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