Most of the schools will follow strict English proficiency requirement (TOEFL) requirements as below.
TOEFL Cut off Score for US Universities
Arizona State University- Minimum TOFEL score required for ASU is: 83
Auburn University
- Cut off TOEFL Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 20
- Listening: 20
- Speaking: 20
- Writing: 20
Brigham Young University
- TOEFL Score Requirement for BYU is: 85, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 21
- Listening: 21
- Speaking: 22
- Writing: 21
Case Western Reserve University - School of Graduate Studies
- Minimum TOEFL Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 19
- Listening: 15
- Writing: 22
- Speaking: 23
Carson-Newman College
- Cut off Total Score: 79
Central Queensland University
- Postgraduate Coursework - Total Score: 79, including a score of 20 or more in the Writing section
- Research Program - Total Score: 100, including a score of 25 or more in the Writing section
Clarkson University
- TOEFL Score Requirement: 90, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 21
- Listening: 20
- Speaking: 27
- Writing: 22
Columbia International University
- MA TEFL/ICS applicants - Total Score: 100
- All other Graduate and Seminary applicants - Total Score: 80
Dalhousie University
- Minimum Total Score Required: 92
Duke University
- Total Score: 83, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 21
- Listening: 20
- Speaking: 22
- Writing: 20
East Carolina University
- Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 20 for each section
Grand Valley State University
- Total Score: 80*
*Specific healthcare-related graduate degrees require a total score of 101-102
Lakehead University
- Total Score: 80
Lehigh University
Minimum university scores that students should not fall below to be admitted without some remedial language assistance.Individual skill section score recommendations are as follows:
- Total Score: 85, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 21
- Listening: 15
- Speaking: 24
- Writing: 25
Manhattanville College
- Total Score: 85, with a minimum of 21 for Listening and Speaking
Marquette University - Graduate School of Management
- Total Score: 80; with a minimum of 20 for each section
McGill University
- Total Score: 86; with a minimum of 20 for each section
Michigan State University
- Total Score: 80
- Section scores to be determined
Middle Tennessee State University
- Total Score: 71
Murray State University
- Minimum section requirements*
- Reading: 20
- Listening: 20
- Speaking: 20
- Writing: 20
*Some graduate programs may require higher scores
National American University
- Total Score: 61
New York Institute of Technology
- Total Score: 61-79
- Students who score between 61-78 must take internal English Placement Exam upon arrival to NYIT and prior to registration
Northern Arizona University
- Total Score: 80
Northern Kentucky University
- Total score for cBT: 213, with an essay score of 4.5 or better
- Total score for pBT: 550, with an essay score of 4.5 or better
- Total score for iBT: 79-80
North Park University
- Total Score: 90, with a minimum of 21 for each section
Northwestern State University
- Total Score: 61, with a minimum of 20 for Speaking and for Writing
Pennsylvania State University
- Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 23 for Speaking
Ohio State University
- Total Score: 79
Old Dominion University
- Total Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 21
- Listening: 18
- Speaking: 22
- Writing: 19
- Minimum Speaking score for International Teaching Assistants: 26
Oregon State
- Total Score: 80, with a minimum of 18 for each section
- Total Score: 60 for conditional admission, with no section requirements
Purdue University
- Total Score: 77, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 19
- Listening: 14
- Speaking: 18
- Writing: 18
Queen's University
- Total Score: 88, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 22
- Listening: 20
- Speaking: 22
- Writing: 24
Quinnipiac University
- Total Score: 90
Rollins College Crummer Graduate School of Business
- Total Score: 100
Saint Cloud University - School of Graduate Studies
- Total Score: 79, with a minimum of 17 for each section
Savannah College of Art & Design
- Total Score: 85, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 18
- Listening: 20
- Speaking: 23
- Writing: 24
Simmons College - College of Arts and Sciences
- Total Score: 100 for Communications Management, MATESL, Special Education, Gender/Cultural Studies
- Total Score: 80 for MAT, Children's Literature, English, Spanish
Simmons College - School for Health Studies
- Total Score: 88
Simmons College - School for Library and Information Science
- Total Score: 79
Simon Fraser University
- Total Score: 88, with a minimum required score of 20 for each section.
- A lesser requirement of a 76 minimum total score is sufficient for entry to the English Bridge Program.
St. John's College - Graduate Institute (Annapolis, MD/Santa Fe, NM)
- Master of Arts in Liberal Arts and Master of Arts in Eastern Classics programs - Total Score: 112, with a minimum of 27 for each section
Swinburne University of Technology
- Programs with requirements of TOEFL® PBT of 550 or TOEFL® CBT of 213 require a TOEFL iBT score of 80
- Programs with requirements of TOEFL PBT of 577 or TOEFL CBT of 232 require a TOEFL iBT score of 90
- Programs with requirements of TOEFL PBT of 600 or TOEFL CBT of 250 require a TOEFL iBT score of 100
The University of the Arts
- Total Score: 79
University of Arkansas
- Total Score: 80
University of Buffalo (SUNY) - Roswell Park Cancer Institute Division
- Total Score: 96, with a minimum of 24 for Speaking
University of California - Berkeley
- Total Score: 68, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 17
- Listening: 16
- Speaking: 17
- Writing: 18
- Minimum Speaking score for appointment as a Graduate Student Instructor (TA): 26
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center
- Total Score: 80, with a recommended score of 89
University of Denver
- Total Score: 80 for most graduate departments
University of Illinois - Chicago
- Total Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 19
- Speaking: 20
- Listening: 17
- Writing: 21
University of Lethbridge
- Total Score: 93
University of Minnesota
- Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 19
- Writing: 21
University of Missouri - Rolla
- Total Score: 80
University of North Texas
- Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 20
- Listening: 21
- Speaking: 19
- Writing: 27
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Total Score: 79-80
University of Texas - Arlington
- Total Score: 79, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 20
- Listening: 16
- Speaking: 21
- Writing: 22
University of Texas - Austin
- Minimum Required Total Score: 79, with a preferred score of 21 for each section
University of Texas - San Antonio
- Total Score: 100 for admission with exemption from the UTSA English Language Assessment Program (ELAP)
- Total Score: 61 for qualified admission and participation in zero to three ELAP courses
University of Toronto
- Total Score: 93, with a minimum of 22 for Writing and for Speaking
University of Virginia
- Total Score: 90, with following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 23
- Speaking: 22
- Listening: 23
- Writing: 22
University of Washington
- Admission with English language requirement: Combined score of 45 in Reading, Listening, and Writing
- Admission with no English language requirement: Combined score of 70 in Reading, Listening, and Writing
Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School
- Total Score: 100
Please note: some institutions may require higher scores than those listed here. For complete information, please visit the institution's Web site.
Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (U.S.)
- Total Score: 80, with the following minimum section requirements
- Speaking: 26
- Listening: 26
- Writing: 17
Foreign Credentialing Commission on Physical Therapy (FCCPT)
- Total Score: 89, with the following minimum section requirement
- Speaking: 26
International Medical Graduates - Ontario (Canada)
- Total Score: 93, with a minimum of 24 for Speaking
- Candidates applying to Community Medicine must also achieve a minimum of 22 for Writing
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (U.S.)
- Total Score: 89, with the following minimum section requirements
- Reading: 18
- Speaking: 26
- Listening: 21
- Writing: 24
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (U.S.)
- Reading: 21
- Speaking: 26
- Listening: 18
- Writing: 24
Port land State University:
TOEFL Score cutoff is 80
Oklahoma State University
Score of 79-80.
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