• Complete Travel Guide to USA for F1 Visa Candidates

    USA Travel Guide to Student visa (F1 Visa) candidates. When to Travel to USA after getting US F1 visa approval? What are the documents to carry? What is port of Entry? What is I-94. Questions asked by Immigration Officer when entering USA at Port of Entry.

    When can I enter into USA after getting visa?

    Students who got their F1 Visa Approved for Fall 2012 could enter into USA 30 days prior to start date which is nothing but the date mentioned on Form I-20. Suppose if the date mentioned on your I20 is August 20th 2012, you can enter USA on or before 21st July 2012.

    What is port of entry?

    The first airport in USA where the flight lands in your travel to the final destination. Suppose if you are travelling to Tampa(A City in State of Florida) from Hyderabad, your flight route may be will be like this.

    Hyderabad -->> Paris -->> Atlanta -->> Tampa.

    First place you land in USA is Atlanta. From Atlanta you will have a connecting flight to Tampa. In this case Atlanta will be the Port of Entry for you.

    Common port of entries when you are travelling from India are – Newark,Dallas,Houston,Chicago,Atlanta.

    What is I-94?

    I-94 form will be given to you while you are flying to port of entry. In the previous case mentioned, you will be given I-94 form by Flight Crew when you are travelling from Paris to Atlanta. Fill the form and submit it to immigration officer at the Immigration Check. Fall 2014 students doesn't need to fill paper I-94. Travelers no longer need to fill paper form I-94. Your I-94 details will be saved online. Check here for Online I-94 web application>>
    you need to submit I-94 at the university to join the school.

    What is Immigration Check?

    Your documents (like passport, I20) will be validated and luggage will be scanned at the port of Entry. Immigration officer will check your documents and ask few questions like – Where are you going? Why are you going? Where do you stay over there? When did you get F1 Visa?
    Later, He will stamp your passport with the Travel date.
    Major documents required at Immigration check for F1 Students
    • Passport
    • I20
    • SEVIS form

    Importance of I-94

    Once he is done with stamping he will give you a part of I-94 form. You need to save it with Passport. Never lose I-94 form given to you. It is the only proof that you entered into USA Legally. I-94 form will have a unique number, by which they track your entry into USA.

    What will happen if I enter into USA prior to 30 days period?

    You will be sent back at the port of entry. Immigration officers don’t allow you into the USA.
    Happy Journey Fall 2012 Students
    satish0559, AshwinD and Tejeswara like this.
    Comments 14 Comments
    1. jagruth's Avatar
      jagruth -
      thanks for the information.....do we have to to take any other forms or documents apart form i-20,vaccinations,acads,....any other important documents???
    1. kumar_2710's Avatar
      kumar_2710 -
      might not be necessary but keep a safe document bag which wil help you time to time..we may not know how the situation fickles.by the way when is your date and try to post your experience!
    1. satish0559's Avatar
      satish0559 -
      very helpful..keep posting like this
    1. chandan92's Avatar
      chandan92 -
      i already have a b1/b2 10 year multiple entry us visa. now i'm applying for f1. can i go to us prior to the 30 days from the date mentioned in the i-20 form on b1/b2 visa and later change my visa status in the us???
    1. Tejeswara's Avatar
      Tejeswara -
      hi i applied for North west Missouri State University and got my visa.
      The college starts on 20th Aug 2013,and i booked a flight on 24th july 2013 i will be reaching there on 25th july 2013
      is there any problems at the port of entry as i am going 28 days before my college starts
    1. Tejeswara's Avatar
      Tejeswara -
      I got my visa and i am leaving to us 28 days before the University date of start.

      my University is North West Missouri State University at maryville,Missouri.
      The near airport is Kansas International airport where i want to go but i want to go to Dallas as my Uncle (Family frnds) are residing there i want to meet them stay for a While and go to University .

      I booked a flight to dallas only not to kansas

      is there any problem will rise at my port of entry at dallas (dallas is my port of entry)
      as i am not going to my university and these are two cities are located in different sates.

      what should i do ?
      is there any problem with my port of entry?
      can i deported to India due to this ?

      please replay me as soon as possible.

      thank you.
    1. xenots's Avatar
      xenots -
      Quote Originally Posted by Tejeswara View Post
      I got my visa and i am leaving to us 28 days before the University date of start.

      my University is North West Missouri State University at maryville,Missouri.
      The near airport is Kansas International airport where i want to go but i want to go to Dallas as my Uncle (Family frnds) are residing there i want to meet them stay for a While and go to University .

      I booked a flight to dallas only not to kansas

      is there any problem will rise at my port of entry at dallas (dallas is my port of entry)
      as i am not going to my university and these are two cities are located in different sates.

      what should i do ?
      is there any problem with my port of entry?
      can i deported to India due to this ?

      please replay me as soon as possible.

      thank you.
      No, there won't be any problem.
    1. a.reddy's Avatar
      a.reddy -
      hie sir, i got my visa for one UMHB and i would like to direct transfer for UCM..i have booked my flight to kansas city n would directly go to UCM.. would it b problem at port of entry.? please reply ASAP..
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      What all vaccinations are required before leaving for US except the ones mentioned by our university?
      My university says that I don't require if I am living off campus. Bit wouldn't the immigration people check for the proof of vaccination?
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Quote Originally Posted by a.reddy View Post
      hie sir, i got my visa for one UMHB and i would like to direct transfer for UCM..i have booked my flight to kansas city n would directly go to UCM.. would it b problem at port of entry.? please reply ASAP..
      Hi I am also searching for same answer , where did you land at different state than university, is any problem at port of entry please give me the reply , I am also landing in different state ..how did you questioned at port of entry ... Plz give reply appreciated ....
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Hi can you please tell me how they questioned you at port of entry because I'm also landing port of entry at different state than university , please give the reply ...appreciate it...
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      hai i got my visa on 20th june 2014 my question is if i dont go to usa for this fall and if i defer my admission to spring should i have to attend visa again...if no when i can enter usa with the same visa.... please help me .....
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      URGENT : Hi, I have F1 visa stamped on April 2014, and H1 approval for FY 2015 cap. I want to use h1 after my masters(can be completed in 9-12 months). Travelling to US in this Aug last week, I will be landing in different state. What questions can I expect at port of entry for having F1 visa and H1 approval. Should I carry H1 related docs too....
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      My university is in virginia and my course is starting on 6th oct 2014. If i want to land in new york on 15 september.. Can i land ?
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