• US Visa Application - DS160 Form

    Any category(H,F,B etc) of visitors to US need to submit the US Visa Application before making a visa appointment. DS160 form is the visa application to USA. In order to make a US Visa appointment for F1 Visa Interview or H1B visa interview you have to use the bar code on the DS160 form. You have to get a print out of the visa application to the visa interview.

    US Visa Application (DS 160)

    1. You can find visa application form at https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/
    2. On entry page of the application you need to select the US Consulate where you want to attend visa interview and proceed. For example: India,Hyderabad.
    3. You need to upload a digital photo to the Visa application as per given specifications. Test your photo before starting DS160.
    4. Save the DS160 form to the Desktop. Keep saving it frequently. If you don't work on it for 20 min application will expire. If you save it, you can retrieve it back from your desktop.
    5. Click 'Start new Application' and proceed to complete the details.
    6. At the end of the application you will receive a bar code.
    7. If you want to attend F1 Visa Interview to study in USA DS160 form is your F1 Visa Application form.

    Post your Questions about F1 Visa Interview to our Forum>>>

    US Visa Application Photo Requirements

    1. The photograph to be digitized must be at minimum 2 inches by 2 inches, plain background.
    2. The scanner resolution should be set to a minimum of 300 dots per inch or 300 pixels per inch.
    3. The digital photograph should be saved as a high quality (low-compression) JPEG image file.
    4. More technical requirements can be found at: http://travel.state.gov/visa/guide/guide_3877.html

    Frequently Asked Questions on US Visa Application

    Change to DS160 form after submission

    If you already booked visa appointment you can't make any changes. If you find any information incorrect like name, education details etc, you can modify them if you haven't booked visa appointment. Upload the copy from your desktop to DS160 website. It will let you to make changes. After changes, you have to use the new DS160 confirmation page and new bar code to make your US visa appointment.

    Visa Denied. Can i user old Visa application form for new visa appointment?


    What to enter for US Social Security number / US Taxpayer ID Number?

    If you are applying for F1 visa from India you may not have SSN. So leave that field blank. Those who are currently working in USA need to enter these details.

    DS160 Instructions

    Next Step after filling US visa application is Booking visa slot.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. maha_balu's Avatar
      maha_balu -
      usually F - 1 visa is sanctioned for five years for students who fill in the DS 160 form, their intended course of study as 3 years... even in my I20 the period is for 3 years but in my application, by mistake, I have mentioned it as only 2 years... will this affect the time period for which i will be given a VISA??
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