Spring 2014 F1 Visa Interview at Chennai Consulate for University of Texas, Dallas (UT, Dallas).
Spring 2014 F1 Visa Interview for UT, Dallas
Date : 4th Oct 2013
Time : 9:00 AM slot
VO: Hiii
Me: Good morning sir
VO : Pass me your passport
Me: Sir My Passport and I-20
VO: Where are you heading for ?
Me: To pusrue Master's program in University of Texas at Dallas
VO: When does your program start?
Me: Jan 13,2014
VO : Any other admits ?
Me : Yes Sir 2 more. One from UIC and one more from Colorado State University
VO: Score cards please
Me: Here Sir... (passed my TOEFL and GMAT score sheets)
VO: Looked at the score sheets (Eye brows raised and smiled at me) .No probs your VISA is approved.
Me: Thank you Sir
Interview took not more than 30 seconds !!
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