right now i m in second year(cs),Pune university. i want to go for MS,but then my results so far are not that impressive. suffered a year down also so please suggest what should i do?? Thank you D.M
Hey nothin wrong if ur records aren't much impressive now ... but u can improve ur records in upcoming year ... wat ever records u have in final will be ur path to univ in US or other countries ... according to ur records .. u will get the college ..u cant expect top univ's with low scores .. so consider now and start preparing well n score high .. to get a good college
Hi there! I am from Bangladesh. I completed my undergrad in 2006 in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) with cgpa 3.04 out of 4.00. In case you find it difficult to understand what Materials and Metallurgical Engineering is, In the USA it refers to Materials Science and Engineering. I sat for GRE in 2008 where my scores were Q: 800 V: 660 AW: 4. TOEFLibt score 102. I am planning to seat for new revised GRE & TOEFL in August ’13. My questions are: 1. Is it possible for me to pursue Electrical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering for my MS in USA Universities? 2. Can you suggest me 5/6 universities where I can apply for, with fundings?