Conversation Between cherukuri_ajay and anirban

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Ajay,
    I am applying for MIS program to following universities,
    University of Illinois,Chicago
    University of Utah
    University of Nebraska Omaha
    Utah State University
    University of Texas Arlington
    University of Houston Clear Lake

    My profile: GRE 306 Toefl 101 Gpa 7/02 (upto 6th sem)
    But the major problem is I have 3 standing backlog all from 6th semester due to illness during that period. However I am writing my 7th semester now and hopefully will clear them all. But if I dont, do I have any chance in getting admit in any of the above mentioned universities?
    Please evaluate my profile and give me your suggestion.

  2. Hey dude.... Can u temme the extra requirements (mini project, papers) a good university asks for?? I would like to build my profile based on that!
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