Hi, My profile goes like this GRE-328(new),1460(old) Verbal-164(new),670(old) Quantitative-164(new),790(old) AWA-3.5 TOEFL-103 R-26 L-26 S-26 W-25 BTECH (Electronics and communication Engineering)-JNTUH,Andhra pradesh Aggregate-80.1 Interested in pursuing MS(EE) in VLSI or Embedded Systems for fall-2013 Is this list of univs good and within my reach for VLSI and Embedded Systems? 1: University of Texas at Austin 2: University of Wisconsin- Madison 3: Carnegie Mellon University 4: Georgia Institute of Technology 5: Ohio State University 6: Pennsylvania State University –Univ Park 7: Arizona State University 8: Iowa State University 9: North Carolina State University 10: Rutgers, State Univ of NJ, New Brunswick 11: University of Massachusetts – Amherst 12: University of Illinois at Chicago 13: University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa 14: Colorado State University 15: University of Florida; Gainesville 16: West Virginia University