Conversation Between cherukuri_ajay and nani072

2 Visitor Messages

  1. hi..this is naren...can u categorize(acc to funding, safe for my profile) the universities below for my profile
    gre score 309 quant 161 verbal 148 AWA 3
    toefl yet to take expecting 90 71 upto 3rd year C.S.E
    10th 87
    inter 90
    university of texas dallas
    university of north carolina charolette
    north carolina state univrsity
    university of texas arlington
    texas A&M college station
    san jose state university
    university of california, santa barbara
  2. hi..this is naren...can u categorize(acc to funding, safe for my profile) the universities below for my profile
    gre score 309 quant 161 verbal 148 AWA 3
    toefl yet to take expecting 90 71 upto 3rd year
    10th 87
    inter 90
    university of texas dallas
    university of north carolina charolette
    north carolina state univrsity
    university of texas arlington
    texas A&M college station
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2