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About gvarshikar

Basic Information

About gvarshikar
Location/City: Pune
Term Applying: Spring 2013
Degree Applying: Masters
Major Applying: Computer Science
GRE Verbal: 156
GRE Quant: 161
TOEFL Score: 102
Academic Percentage/GPA: 67%
Current Degree and Major: B.E. in Computer Science
Extracurricular Activities/Awards: • Certificate of Appreciation from INVITE CELL (IBM-GIL)
• Certificate of Appreciation from SSPA (Govt. of Gujarat)
• Certificate of Appreciation from AIMS International
• Organizing Committee, Prakarsh ’06 (Technical Festival), organized by SVIT and ISTE at SVIT (March ‘06), also designed event website.
• Second prize, Open Software Project Competition, Prakarsh '06
• First prize, Website Designing competition, IMAZE '05 (National Level Technical Festival, GCET, VallabhVidhyanagar).
• Des
Universities Applied
University 1: Columbia College
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Rutgers University,Camden,Newark,New Brunswick/Piscataway
Status of Univ 2: Applied
University 3: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Status of Univ 3: Applied
University 4: SUNY, Stony Brook
Status of Univ 4: Applied


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spring 2013| MS | CS | GRE:317(Q:161 + V:156), AWA: Pndg |Toefl: 102 08-10-2012 01:56 PM
General Information
Last Activity
09-09-2012 02:50 AM
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Universities Applied
University 1: Columbia College
Status of Univ 1: Applied
University 2: Rutgers University,Camden,Newark,New Brunswick/Piscataway
Status of Univ 2: Applied
University 3: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Status of Univ 3: Applied
University 4: SUNY, Stony Brook
Status of Univ 4: Applied
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