Conversation Between kannada and sujata

5 Visitor Messages

  1. hello..
    I once heard from someone that we need to write some essays to get TA/RA thats why I asked.
    Anyways thanks..
  2. As per as I know you dont need to write any essay's.
    TA/RA will not be given at the time of your I20.Once you get admitted to a university you need to talk to professor and convince him to agree to give you TA/RA.
    At time of I20 you might receive finacial aid in form of tution waiver,scholarship.

  3. Hey Kannada.
    Thanks for your suggestions..
    looking for financial aid thats why I'm looking for rather safe universities so that hopefully I will have better chance of funding there..
    I heard that one is supposed to write essay to department professors for gettting TA/RA before I get I-20. Is it true?
  4. Hi Sujata,

    Your Profile is good.
    As per University list is considered you might include one or two moderate universities.
    As per Chances of getting in university I would say except ASU which is moderate university for your profile rest university is moderate-safe or safe universities.So this might not be problem.
    I don't know if you will get financial aid or not.As your profile is good you might get it.

  5. Hello kannada.
    This is Sujata .
    Happy New Year..!!!

    My profile is
    GRE 313(152,161,3)TOEFL 101, BTech Instru& Control, Acad: 7.01/10, MS in EE,
    Relevant work Exp-3 years, 1.5 months internship., Looking for MS in EE..
    I have prepared final list of universities and have applied few of them already:

    Please tell me my admit chances there..
     Arizona St U
     Oklahoma St U
     U of Oklahoma
     U of Houston
     Missouri Univ of Sci & Tech, Rolla
     U of Texas Dallas.
    Can you please tell me whether there is any need to apply to 1-2 more universities..>
    Also, I’m more interested in getting Financial aid in any form. Will I be able to get is..?
    I’m worried about getting admissions to above universities. Please help...
    Thanks in advance..
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