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About satya592

Basic Information

About satya592
Location/City: Hyderabad
Term Applying: Spring 2013
Degree Applying: Masters
Major Applying: Computer Science
GRE Verbal: 144
GRE Quant: 163
GRE AWA: 3.0
TOEFL Score: 85
Academic Percentage/GPA: 3.5
Current Degree and Major: B.E in Computer Science
Universities Applied
University 1: University of Florida
Status of Univ 1: Decided to Join
University 2: SUNY, Stony Brook
Status of Univ 2: Decided to Join
University 3: SUNY, Buffalo
Status of Univ 3: Decided to Join
University 4: North Carolina State University
Status of Univ 4: Decided to Join
University 5: University of Houston System
Status of Univ 5: Decided to Join
University 6: Arizona State University
Status of Univ 6: Decided to Join


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General Information
Last Activity
06-02-2013 11:22 PM
Join Date
Universities Applied
University 1: University of Florida
Status of Univ 1: Decided to Join
University 2: SUNY, Stony Brook
Status of Univ 2: Decided to Join
University 3: SUNY, Buffalo
Status of Univ 3: Decided to Join
University 4: North Carolina State University
Status of Univ 4: Decided to Join
University 5: University of Houston System
Status of Univ 5: Decided to Join
University 6: Arizona State University
Status of Univ 6: Decided to Join