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Thread: Profile Evaluation-303 GRE

  1. #1
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Exclamation Profile Evaluation-303 GRE


    I am Sudheer,I am planning for MS in US for spring 2013 intake.I took GRE and applied for IELTS for Sept 6th.

    About my financial Status:
    I hve been working for 2Yrs and saved around 3.5 lakhs(I had a dream of going to MS soon after my Btecch but had to do JOB because of financial status) . My Parents agreed to give me around 5-7lkhs from their PF.Since we dont have any mortgage option I dont have a option for bank loan.I heard they would give around 6-7lkhs without Mortgage.(Will go an talk to bank manager of SBH in 2 or 3 days.)I really dont want to take their life earnings and go dissapear hence preferring for a bank loan.
    Hence please suggest me from these Univ which are good and have low tuition fees from the below universities.

    Btech - 61% -7 Backlogs
    Intermediate - 81%
    SSC - 76%

    Work Experience
    2.2 Yrs-QA Analyst 1-Factset India pvt limited(a software firm)

    GRE -303
    IELTS -Yet to take on 6th sept.

    Preferring CSE or IT field in the Universities.

    Here is the link for some of the research I did from my end.

    Scores sent to Univ after GRE:

    Texas A&M U Coll Station
    U Utah
    U Texas Arlington
    UT Tyler

    Applying for Universities(My preference and Consultancy ***** suggestions)Struggling to filter

    UT Tyler
    UT Arlington
    UT dallas
    University of north texas at denton
    Villanova university
    Oklahoma state university
    University of houston clear lake
    University of houston main campus
    TExas A&M corpus christi
    Texas A&M kingsville
    University of north carolina

    ***** Consultancy Suggested:These come with speacial pathway program which includes some extra credits.


    Questions : These are the unanswered questions in my mind from a long time.Please answer them.Sorry if they are already addressed some where in the posts.I have been going through a lot of posts in the recent past.

    Q1 : Can I get a Education loan without any mortgage and should I have to pay interest on it every year before completion of my studies?

    Q2 : What should I prefer as my backup,Is it Canada or Australia?.Canada is only having PG diplomo where as Aus a such a high tuition fee?......Both have pros and cons.What do you suggest for long term.I dont want to back down from my dreams of going abroad.If US visa is hit I would require a backup.

    Q3 : Where can I find a person who will show the fake bank balance in hyderabad.This is a very naive/illegal question to ask but I dont find any one who would give out that info.

    Q4 : I have went to a consultancy called ***** who are saying they would get me into the top 200 colleges only.And they have said that this can be done by a program called Navitas Pathway which is there in only some universities.Let me know if the pathway program is good to join? I heard some specs like extra credits will cost you extra time 4-6months.But I know people who have enrolled in it and dont have any complaints.

    Q5 : I have many frnds in USA who have completed MS.And some suggested to tke univ in weel known places like chicago,california,NYC.So that we can secure a job with high pay.Some suggested to take a avg univ complete MS and move to another place.Please suggest me whih will be a good thing to do.

    Universities for score>300(This List is from our website only)

    Wright State University
    University of Tampa
    Louisiana Tech. University
    Wichita State University
    University of Mississippi
    Wright State University
    Texas Tech University
    Wayne State University
    University of South Florida
    Villanova University

    California State University, Sacramento
    Missouri State University
    New Mexico State University
    North Dakota State University
    University of Texas-Arlington
    Clarkson University

    University of Tennessee Chattanooga
    University of Tulsa
    Portland state university
    University of Vermont
    Baylor University, Texas
    New Jersey Institute of Technology
    Idaho State University
    Northeastern University

    University of Alaska- Fairbanks
    Pace University, NY
    Chicago State University
    South Dakota State University
    East Carolina University
    University of North Texas
    SUNY Institute of Technology
    University of Missouri at St Louis
    University of Northern Iowa
    University of Toledo
    University of Illinois at Springfield
    Old Dominion University, Virginia

  2. #2
    MS in US Senior
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    I dint go thru the entire post. but i understood tat yu r lukin fr an univ which offers MS at a comparitively less tuition fee..

    Univ of Texas Arlington
    Univ of North Carolina charolette
    And sanjose is a better option too considering the tuition fee.

    Consider these univs becoz the tuition fee is lesser <20k$ per year.

    The places california chicago NYC is costly. So better opt fr some suburban areas.

    Sorry i dont hav answers fr all yur queries

    gud luck

  3. #3
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Hi All,

    Any other suggestions.Please let me know better Universities.

    FYI Q1 Answer: And regarding the Q1 in above topic I did some research and found out that we can get a edu loan without mortgage,upto 7.5 lkhs with a guaranteer who has a permanant house as a proof that he/she is a permanant resident of the city.(Note that its not a mortgage).Upto 4lkhs as Edu loan we dont require any thing. All this info is given by bank manager.He also said to apply in the top 10 univs only and should have a good academic score.

    Please answer those questions anyone who knows.Thanks

  4. #4
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Answered Questions

    Dear cherukuri Ajay, Please answer send in your valuable suggestions.I have posted so many questions,but did nt get ven a single reply from you

    I am a very big fan of you(not that I am flattering)…….

    (Never ask or join the consultancy suggested univs) ALways do research and everything we need will be in college websites.

    I have filtered down Universities after doing some research on them . I will apply to any 5 with safe and risky as mandatory.and selecting 2 from moderate. (Thinking Umass Lowell and Houston clear lake)

    Below are the ones…..

    Safe :
    1. UT Tyler
    2. University of Illinois Springfield

    1. University of Houston Clear Lake
    2. Umass Lowell
    3. Wayne state University
    4. California state Univ
    5. SIUC Carbondale/Edwards

    1. UT Arlington

    I will update the Univ list with all the comments in the provided that you people wil have a keen insight of the Univs for 303 GRE score.

    Q1 I already answered.(refer to the previous comments by me)

    Q2(Backup)-I prefer going to canada and doing PG diploma followed by masters since I have 2Yrs experience.So I would be applying for 2 Univs from canada.Australia has got a very high tuition fees and getting a job is a bit tough.Moving there to US again is a very tough process. And the working hours for students there are comparatively high and so middle class students survive.

    Q3 : I don want to comment on that since its a illegal way of doing things and HSB doesn’t encourage it.

    Q4: Pathway program I just know that there will be extra credits and extra money should be shredded from our pockets so dont prefer this program.prefer only if you got a very less score.Retaking is a bettter option though.

    Q5 : I still didnt get the answer fot this But I decided to study in a good college since its a one time exp.Rather than applying for some cheap state and do part time job earn money rather than study?……I dont know you people decide

    Please feel free to give in suggestions and there might be some mistakes in what I posted.Please do let me know.I am open for feed back
    Last edited by chittuluri; 08-21-2012 at 08:21 PM.

  5. #5
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Hi Cherukuri Ajay ,

    I have finalised these univ for spring intake.I am applying them in two days.
    Please give your valuable feedback on if theere are any univs that are not good from the below list and should be removed.

    Safe :
    1. UT Tyler
    2. University of Illinois Springfield
    3. A&M kingsville
    1. University of Houston Clear Lake
    2. Umass Lowell
    3. Wayne state University
    4. California state Univ Sacremento
    5. SIUC Carbondale/Edwards
    1. UT Arlington

    I will take Univ of Houston clear lake from moderate.
    Let me know if I should select more univs from Moderate and remove 2 univs from Safe?

  6. #6
    MS in US Senior
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I would suggest you to apply to UT Tyler (UT Tyler | The University of Texas at Tyler | UT Tyler | News, Events, Admissions, Academics). There is every chance that you will get scholarship over there. If you want to go to New York then you should try SUNY Albany, SUNY Bingahamton. IF california then try SJSU. FOr New York you can also try NJIT. It is only 45 minutes from NYC and it is not that expensive.

  7. #7
    Administrator cherukuri_ajay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    apply to
    Safe :

    1. UT Tyler
    3. A&M kingsville
    1. University of Houston Clear Lake
    2. Umass Lowell
    5. SIUC Carbondale/Edwards
    1. UT Arlington

    Quote Originally Posted by chittuluri View Post
    Hi Cherukuri Ajay ,

    I have finalised these univ for spring intake.I am applying them in two days.
    Please give your valuable feedback on if theere are any univs that are not good from the below list and should be removed.

    Safe :
    1. UT Tyler
    2. University of Illinois Springfield
    3. A&M kingsville
    1. University of Houston Clear Lake
    2. Umass Lowell
    3. Wayne state University
    4. California state Univ Sacremento
    5. SIUC Carbondale/Edwards
    1. UT Arlington

    I will take Univ of Houston clear lake from moderate.
    Let me know if I should select more univs from Moderate and remove 2 univs from Safe?
    For profile evaluation please add your Scores, Academics to your admission profile. If you have already applied please add the univ list. To Edit your profile visit

    University groups. If the univ group you are applying is not listed, please create a group by your own.

    Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA | US University Rankings by Major for MS,PhD

  8. #8
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    THanks a lot for your valuable reply.

    That would be 4 universities from texas.....Will that be ok or there will be a problem in VI?

  9. #9
    MS in US Senior
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    Aug 2012
    If you wont tell the VI how would the VI know that you have applied to 4 schools in Texas. And ideally it should not be a problem at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by ckeerthi View Post
    THanks a lot for your valuable reply.

    That would be 4 universities from texas.....Will that be ok or there will be a problem in VI?

  10. #10
    MS in US Fresher
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    Feb 2012
    BTW How is UT, Tyler??

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