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Thread: Ms in Information Security

  1. #1
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Ms in Information Security

    Hello Experts,

    My name is Abhaas Sood and I am preparing for GRE and TOEFL for pursuing MS in Information Security from US. I am yet to take my exams. I want to join MS in fall of 2013. Please suggest me the right time to give Gre exam. Also should I take TOEFL before GRE or after GRE?

    As of now I have decided to take GRE in the last week of July or First week of August. Is this the right time to take the exams or should give it earlier.

    Something information about myself.

    I am a Graduate in Computer Science with a percentage of 67.4%. I have been working with Aricent Technologies under the process of CISCO TAC as Network Security Engineer since Sept,2010 till the present date. I am CCNA, CCNA-Security and CCIE-Security(written) Certified.

    As of now I have decided 4 universities to apply but as of now I have not taken the gre exam.

    1. Carnegie Mellon University
    2. University of Southern California
    3. Georgia Tech University
    4. George Mason University

    Please suggest some more good universities for the course of Ms in Information Security.

    Thanks and Regards
    Abhaas Sood

  2. #2
    MS in US Guru
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    First of all prepare yourself for GRE and try to score somewhere around 320-330 (with 165+ in quants) and write TOEFL before itself because its easy but takes time to get for score report. I don't want to discourage you but frankly speaking your profile even with 330 GRE is not fascinating at all for a university like CMU and that too for a HOT MAJORS (MIS). I am not saying that don't try for them but be ready to face rejection from most of them as you fall under "INTERNATIONAL STUDENT" category and these universities get many applications among which chances of you getting selected are less. Major drawback in your profile is your low acads.

    1. Carnegie Mellon University - Tough [Chances for your profile getting selected are less than 15%]
    2. University of Southern California - Moderate [Chances for your profile getting selected are less than 50% but greater than 15%]
    3. Georgia Tech University - Tough [Chances for your profile getting selected are less than 15%]
    4. George Mason University - Tough [Chances for your profile getting selected are less than 15%]

    My advice would be to research again and search for some decent safe universities to apply.

    All the Best!

  3. #3
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi Sherzil,

    Thanks for the reply. I was expecting CMU outbounds for me. But My friend is already pursuing MS in Information Security from George Mason University and he had 64% in B.Tech and got a score of 1340 in gre at that time. You will be a little amazed to know that he was also getting admission in Georgia Tech. So I am not sure if how my chances are moderate. You might be saying that just because I have not taken the exams.

    Thanks and Regards
    Abhaas Sood

  4. #4
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    hi abhaassood

    If ur friend got georgia tech then why did he go for george mason??.....gatech is way better than gmu.
    I got admit from gatech...MS in Info. Sec. GRE 319, TOEFL 110 n gpa 8.6
    kswathi likes this.

  5. #5
    MS in US Guru
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by abhaassood View Post
    Hi Sherzil,

    Thanks for the reply. I was expecting CMU outbounds for me. But My friend is already pursuing MS in Information Security from George Mason University and he had 64% in B.Tech and got a score of 1340 in gre at that time. You will be a little amazed to know that he was also getting admission in Georgia Tech. So I am not sure if how my chances are moderate. You might be saying that just because I have not taken the exams.

    Thanks and Regards
    Abhaas Sood
    It varies abhaas. They might not have that many applications before. I am not saying you will not get but its gonna be tougher for you as now a days MIS is a hot subject which was neglected before so. Try your best at GRE/TOEFL and then do apply for it. All the Best!

  6. #6
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi Bargav,

    His uncle lives in Virginia.

    Thanks and Regards
    Abhaas Sood

  7. #7
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Where are u finally applying/appl dude?
    And for Ms Info Sec ,with
    gre 315(q-162,v-153,a-3) BE-65%,
    which are good universities.
    Do i have a shot at univ u listed?

  8. #8
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Do anybody have information about good universities for MS in IS apart from listed above ?

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