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Thread: Article: Suggest Some universities for my Profile

  1. #91
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Hi. please i need your urgent help choosing a university for MS or PHD in pharmaceutical sciences/organic chemistry/ medicinal chemistry
    my GPA is 3.3 (86% ) , GRE 305 (156 Q, 149 V, 3 AW ), TOEFL IBT 109

  2. #92
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Hi raghu
    could u kindly evaluate my profile for the following universities.. I am applying for computer science for fall 2013
    1. Texas a&m -college station
    2. university of houston-main campus
    2. university of texas-dallas

    gre score- 314 (quant-161, verbal- 153)
    Toefl- 110
    BE (ECE)- 68%
    12th - 75%
    10- 87.6%
    work exp- 3 years by fall 2013
    any suggestions would be really helpful

  3. #93
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Please suggest if my choices are viable and financial support is required in any case
    My profile is as follows:

    10th - 92 %
    12th- 85 %
    B.tech in ECE- 85%
    Toefl_ibt- 108

    My choices MS in EECS in
    1) University of Illionois- Urbana Champaign
    2) University of Wisconsin, Madison
    3) Georgia Tech
    4) Pensylvania state university
    5) U Ca berkeley (too ambitious though)

    I want to know any colleges offering MS in branches related to Soft Computing . .if anyone can help with that please do so

  4. #94
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    please evaluate my profile

    Please evaluate my profile,
    toefl-expecting 85+
    acads-69 with no backlogs in CS
    wiling to join MS in CS

    i had shortlisted few univs. please say which are good and bad , visa acceptance and which are safe and moderate for me.
    univ of tennessee,chattanooga univ of illinois , spring field
    northwest missiouri state univ , westren illinois univ , southern illinois univ carbondale
    university of southern mississipi,gulf coast university of south alabama

  5. #95
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    hi, please suggest me some universities
    GRE 296 (q-152, v-144, AWA-3)
    TOEFL 94 (r-21, l-24, s-22, w-27)
    UG 68%, no backlogs
    one year exp by 2013 august

    i have short listed some universities
    UT Arlington
    san diego state univ
    Texas tech univ
    IIT chicago
    University of houston Main campus
    can some one please tell me the safe and mod universities from above list and suggest some universities
    i am sorry i tried to create my own thread like they say but i could not. so please evaluate my profile and suggest me some universities
    thanks a lot

  6. #96
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    hi please evaluate my profile
    10th- 85.3
    b.tech (EEE)-64.9 (8 backlogs) upto 3rd year 2nd semester
    GRE-283 Q143 V 140 AWA 3.0
    IELTS-6.5 L-8 R-6.5 W-6 S-6
    got the same GRE scre even after retaking.....
    pls suggest me few univs thanks in advance...

  7. #97
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    i'm sai, please evaluate my profile:
    acads- 5.7(around 18 backlogs)
    planning to do ms for fall 2013

    Shortlisted few univs, pls suggest me which to select
    univ of texas, dallas
    souther illnois univ edvardsvillie
    wichita state univ
    oklahoma state univ
    univ of south florida

  8. #98
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hii folks this is saichandar
    my profile is
    b.tech 70 till 3-2(civil engineering)
    GRE 287( Quant-147, Verbal-140)
    i took TOEFL recently and expecting 75-80
    so, please suggest me some collages so that i could apply to those..................... please do it ASAP
    it want to do my masters in civil (construction management or transportation)
    Last edited by saichandar; 02-19-2013 at 01:08 PM.

  9. #99
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    hi, this is mahesh. Please evaluate my profile:
    acads-73% 0 bl
    im planning to apply some univ for fall-2013 tell me whether these r gd univ or not and suggest me some other univ also

    Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
    Northern Illinois University, Dekalb
    cleveland state university, Ohio
    University of Illinois at Springfield
    Kent State University, Ohio
    University of Central Missouri
    eastern illinois university
    Texas at Dellas
    University of Houston–Clear Lake
    Texas at Tyler

  10. #100
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Please Evaluate my profile.
    GRE- 295
    B.E(EEE)-61%(20 History of Backlogs)
    1 Year of Experience as Software Developer.(Microsoft Certified)
    Interested in MS Communication Engg n US.
    What are my chances for Admission and Visa?
    Is it neccessary to take GRE OR TOEFL AGAIN.

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