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Thread: Article: Suggest Some universities for my Profile

  1. #101
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    hello friends
    i am saketh Kumar and this id my profile
    Btech:~72 (in ECE)
    please suggest some universities For fall 2013....

  2. #102
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    My profile is as follows:
    12th: 69.44%
    BE(Mechanical): 78.57%
    GRE: V153, Q168, AWA 3.0
    TOEFL: 94(28,27,S19,W20)
    Work ex: 1yrs 6 months in a Manufacturing
    3 yrs+ in ONGC Ltd. as Drilling Engineer
    Applied for MS in Petroleum Engineering(Fall 2013) in:
    1) TAMU, College Station
    2) U Oklahoma, Norman
    3) Colorado school of Mines
    4) Louisiana state univ, Baton rouge

    Please tell me how good are my chances?

  3. #103
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I have just started my GRE preparations. I am a pass out of btech ECE (Electronics and communication Engineering) last year . I havent given my GRE exam yet. but Have given the Princeton review Exam . my profile follows as :

    10th :85.2%
    12th :82%
    Btech ECE CGPA: 9.1/10
    Princeton review online test : 313 (v-150 m -163) (with no practice)

    I am currently working in SIEMENS Ind ltd. I plan on having an experience of 2 years before doing my masters. I 'd like to mention im interested in VLSI and Power Electronics.
    I would like to know what colleges i can expect .
    Also what should i prefer M.Eng , M.Sc or Ph.d ??

    (PS. I have a financial crunch so fees is a deciding factor).

    Thanks .

  4. #104
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hie friends...
    Should i opt for Fall or Spring ??!! as i need funding..
    Do suggest me some universities...
    Major - Electrical engineering (Embedded Systems)
    GRE -307 (Q-163,V-144)
    tofel - yet to take on 26 march ,expecting 90+
    b-tech- 74%
    Inter - 95.1%
    10th -88%
    A paper published in international Journal, 3 paper presentations,Leadership skills
    Thank U everyone!!

  5. #105
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    kindly evaluate my profile
    GRE- 287
    B.Tech in civil engineering- 75%
    Are there any chances of getting admission for Fall 2013
    If yes please suggest top 4 universities which suit best of my profile

  6. #106
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    kindly evaluate my profile
    GRE- 287
    B.Tech in civil engineering- 75%
    Are there any chances of getting admission for Fall 2013
    If yes please suggest top 4 universities which suit best of my profile

  7. #107
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Please help me

    My GRE score is 297, AWA :3.0
    Academics :
    10th - 89%
    Inter - 93.4%
    B.Tech - 6.5/10

    I will take my toefl on 14thApril.

    is there any possiblity for applying in this fall. All the documents are ready.

    Please suggest me some good universities with rolling deadlines.

    Thank you

  8. #108
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hi there, please suggest some universities in electrical engineering, control systems.
    I have both BS and MS in EE and want to apply for "direct phd" to US universities. i mean i want to study another MS leading to PhD.
    would you please help by listing some colleges having and allowing this item. here are my detail:
    BS GPA: 16.12 / 20, top 5%
    MS GPA: 15.85 / 20
    TOEFL: 79
    GRE: 303(ver:143, quant:160)
    8 Teacher Assistantships
    I started to teach at university as invited lecturer from 2009.
    I in accompany with my adviser wrote and published a book for college students.
    familiar with many but Proficient in 2 engineering software.
    so many practical accomplishments with some awards.
    i have 2 conference papers and am working on 3 journal papers.
    i have almost 6 excellent recommendations letters.
    it would be your kindness to inform me about the universities that i may be eligible for and should apply.
    best wishes.

  9. #109
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I am expecting 305 score. 1oth-91%, 12th-96.7,Btech 73%. Actually I am from mechanical background but I want to do my graduation in Computers.Are below universities are safe for me?
    Texas Dallas
    Texas Arlington
    wright state university
    University of Central MIssouri.

  10. #110
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    would u plz suggest 10 universities based on my profile.
    (bachelor)GPA :16.12 out of 20
    (master) GPA : 15.85 out of 20
    TOEFL: 79
    GRE: 303
    one published book
    2 conference papers
    Teaching at the university and laboratories.: since 2009 to present
    8 teaching assistant ship
    work experience: 2 year
    internship experience: 12 month
    field expected: electrical engineering, control systems and robotic

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