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Thread: Article: Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

  1. #71

    I am applying for fall 2014 and hence appearing for the GRE in the next 10 days. I am expecting a score around 320.

    -Graduation aggregate- first class
    -3 papers published in international journals.
    -One of the 40 selected delegates from around the globe for a paper presentation at a conference in bangkok.
    -4 internships

    -Did my project in association with Defense Institute of Advanced Technology.
    -Good expertise at various extra curricular activities.
    -Going on an international internship in the meantime.

    I have to select 4 universities to whom my scores will be sent. Please suggest me the universities. I'd really appreciate it.


  2. #72
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Hi ..
    I wish to apply for MS in spring 2014.
    gre 289
    ielts expecting 6.5 - 7
    b.tech 78%
    tenth 86%
    inter 88.6%

    i thought of applying for the universities...
    California state univiersity,eastbay
    University of Texas,Arlington
    Northwest Mussorie state university
    Texas A & M,Kingsville
    University of Michigan,Flint

    plz suggest if any good universities which match my profile....

  3. #73
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    i have got 300 score
    i,e: quant-159
    verbal - 141
    b.tech - 83%(mechanical)
    need to take tofel.
    i supposed to convert computer science major.
    plz evaluate my profile and suggest some safe universities

  4. #74

    PhD Fall 2014

    GRE Verbal:138, Quant: 161
    TOEFL: 88
    B.Tech-73% (Civil)
    M.Tech-8.5 (IIT Kgp,Structure)
    3 international conference, 2 national conference papers
    2 yr.s research experience, 2 yr.s industry experience

    Planning for PhD in US university (Structural Engg or Structural Mechanics / Engineering Mechanics)

  5. #75
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    I am Phani Gubbala (Civil Engineering). My GRE score is 291 Verbal: 137 and Quantitative 154. Is it enough for applying to average universities? or should I retake GRE?

  6. #76
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I have scored in my gre as below
    Quantitative - 148
    Verbal - 145
    AWA - 3.5

    I would really be obliged if u could suggest me universities in United States foe pursuing my masters in Industrial Engineering.
    Waiting for a response.

  7. #77

    Cool Both of the prior re

    Both of the prior responders are inoccrert. This would be true if you were applying for an undergraduate or master's degree, but not for a Ph.D. Most Ph.D. students at reasonably good universities in the U.S. get tuition remissions and stipends (not scholarships), which cover the cost of the program. After the first year, usually, you would be expected to work either as a teaching or a research assistant for that stipend, but as long as you complete your program in a timely manner, it would usually be free for you. There is generally no distinction made between domestic and international students at the Ph.D. level. My only concern is that, with 55%, your marks may not be strong enough to allow you to pursue a program at a good university. One generally needs to be among the best of undergraduate students to be considered.I forgot to include how the process works: You will need to take the GRE and apply for the programs in which you are interested. If they accept you, they will tell you what sort of financial aid you might be offered. Financial aid is offered by the program itself, not separately, so there is no need to apply separately for scholarships.

  8. #78

    Question GRE is commonly reiq

    GRE is commonly reiqrued for application to graduate schools in fields other than business, law, and medicine. GRE test measures analytical, verbal, and quantitative skills.GMAT test measures language, writing skills and quantitative abilities and is intended to indicate a person's potential as a participant of an MBA program.

  9. #79

    guide please

    verbal- 149
    qyants- 158
    gpa 7.97
    need to know universities for P.hd in human development

  10. #80
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    GRE score 300 (145 verbal, 155- quant, 3.5 AWA) , CGPA-8.60, TOEFL- yet to give, could u suggest me some universities that offers MS in Biomedical Engg and what are my chances of getting in University of Wisconsin,Madison?

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