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Thread: Article: Suggest Some universities for my Profile

  1. #251

    univ's to my profile

    hii my profile is ielts:6 band,acad:62%(17bklgs),gre:273... whch univ suits my profile plz rply sme body

  2. #252
    Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    10 th marks - 51%
    intermediate - 52%
    B.Tech computer science - 75% ( no backlogs)
    GRE- 287 (v-140 m-148)
    IELTS yet to be taken.. expectng 6.5

  3. #253

    Smile GRE 316 | TOEFL 110 | MS - CS | Fall - 2015


    Please evaluate this profile for MS IN CS.
    I am aiming for FALL 2015, could you please advise some universities for this sort of profile.

    GRE : 316 ( Q - 162, V- 154, AWA : 4.0)
    TOEFL : 110 (R-27, L-29, S-28 W-26)
    Btech : 62.72 % (2 Backlogs- Data Structures in C and Switching Theory, Cleared in first attempt, 1 Subject passed using Grace marks from university: Mechanical Engineering)
    10th : 86%
    12 : 72%

    Reason for low Btech marks: Devoted to Family Business activities during college and developed a number of MIS applications for efficiency improvement in business flow activities for family business like Production Reports, Order Priortization etc. Also took on leadership roles in family business, held a key position during a JV discussion and finalization with a large MNC.

    I would like to pursue Masters in CS in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology along with some Management course to get a dual MS MBA degree.


  4. #254
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    BE(ECE)- 8.42 Backlogs(1-arrear ;2 absent); Both cleared in the immediate next sem with good grades.
    GRE 305( V:144 Q: 161)
    IELTS: yet to be.. expecting 6.5
    Pls suggest SAFE, MODERATE, Ambitious Universities

  5. #255
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Please evaluate this profile
    B.E. (ECE)-8.42 Backlogs (1- arrear 2- absent) Both cleared in immediate next semesters with good grades
    Paper published : 1 in international publication
    GRE 305(V:144 Q:161)
    IELTS: Expecting 6.5 Yet to be written

  6. #256
    Hi my gre score is 287 Q-150 v-137
    IELTS - 6
    Can i get admit in university of texas, Dallas .
    If no please suggest some universities in texas.....

  7. #257
    hi, gre307 (q154,v153), toefl 107, btech final 4-1, total backlogs 5, after copltn 6.2-6.5 cgpa, 10th 80%(cbse), 12th 89%, shall i go for fall 2015, mech, for MS industrial. tnku so much

  8. #258
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    My Profile:-
    grads- Bsc (Computer Science)- 63% [university of Calcutta]
    MCA- 8.35/10 [wbut]
    Mtech-9.44/10 [wbut]
    TOEFL - 100 (reading-26, listening-20, writing-27, speaking-27)
    want to go for PhD in Computer engineering with full funding
    Shortlisted Universities
    1. University of Texas, Arlington
    2. University of Louisiana
    3. University of Kansas
    4. Drexel University
    5. University of South Florida
    6. Louisiana State University
    7. Florida State University
    8. Arizona State

    Can you guyz please suggest which ones are ambitious, mod or safe? Should I add some more safeer universities? If yes, then which ones?

  9. #259
    Hii please evaluate my profile...thanks to all in advance..
    Course applying :MS in Telecommunications
    My University :GITAM UNIVERSITY
    My course in GITAM: B.Tech+M.Tech in ECE(5 year dual degree course) and M.Tech in Communications Systems
    GRE-289(Q-151,V-138),AWA- 3.0
    CGPA (till 8th sem):8.60/10 (will reach to 9.0+ at the end of graduation).
    3 LORs all strong and SOP also very strong
    Resume also very strong
    Internship from Defense Research and Development Laboratory for a period of 3 months under a Scientist E.
    Project from IIT Madras under a very great professor in the field of Digital Signal Processing.
    Will get a paper published in a conference for sure before I complete my M.Tech.
    Extra curriculars:
    Member of IEEE since last 3 years
    Advisory Board Member of my university's IEEE student Branch
    Established an IEEE R&D Team in my department and I am Student Head of it.
    Attended SSC 2012 and along with my team members got the VIBRANT IEEE STUDENT BRANCH award for my university.
    Attended and organized an IEEE international conference at my university.
    Attended a workshop based on Optical Fiber Communications and Photonics in my university organized by my department.
    Member of IETE.
    Volunteered and organized in many fests organized by GITAM IEEE STUDENT BRANCH
    Few universities which i have chosen are
    Florida international university
    george mason university
    new jersey institute of technology
    oklahoma state university
    Please sugge

  10. #260
    I have scored 291 in GRE (140V,151Q, AWA 3.5) and IELTS yet to be taken. I am expecting 7 band in IELTS/ I have 3.4/4 gpa in BE mech.
    What univs can i apply for?

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