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Thread: Gre 320| toefl 112| cgpa 7.89

  1. #1
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Question Gre 320| toefl 112| cgpa 7.89

    I'm pursuing EEE(final year) at NIT Trichy. My profile is as follows:

    CGPA (I - VI SEM): 7.89
    GRE: 320 (Q 162, V 158)
    TOEFL: 112

    My area of interest is: Power Electronics & Drives

    Relevant Project: 1. Simplistic Algorithm for MPPT in PV Arrays (MATLAB simulation and hardware)
    Relevant internship: 1. Two month Summer Internship on Variable Frequency Drives at Reliance Industries Ltd.

    Miscellaneous: Project in Electronics (1), Summer Internship at SINE IITB, IPT at Salzer Electronics Ltd.

    Positions of Responsibility:
    1. Chairman, EEE Association
    2. Head of Public Relations, NITTfest
    3. Hostel Secretary; Class Representative; organizing and various other responsibilities at LEO Club, Festember etc.

    Social Responsibilities: Pretty decent. Nothing Extraordinary

    LOR:Pretty strong- Good from Associate Profs.
    I can manage a pretty good SOP.

    Please comment on my selection of universities and/or suggest new ones:

    1. University of Wisconsin, Madison.
    2. Georgia Institute of Tech., Atlanta
    3. Texas A & M, College Station

    4. NCSU
    5. ASU
    6. U of Colorado, Boulder

    7. UT, Dallas
    8. UC, Irvine
    9. U of Tennessee, Knoxville

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by ashwatamir; 09-14-2014 at 03:43 AM.

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