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Thread: Article: Suggest Some universities for my Profile

  1. #11

    Evaluate My Profile

    Hi All,

    I have taken my GRE and have got 294. I am yet to take my TOEFL. I have 3years work experience in IT industry.
    I am applying for MS in Computer Science. My Engg aggregate is 72% and have not had any backlogs. Have a consistent score all through my academics and have recieved many merit awards in college and rewards and recognition in Company.
    I have sent my score for the following universities :
    University of Southern California
    University of California,San Diego
    University of Washington,Seatle
    Stanford University.

    I have no hopes of getting in any of these due to my GRE scores. Please suggest other universities where I have chances to get or should I re appear for the GRE. I am hoping to get a seat in the Grade A colleges only.

    Thanks in Advance,

  2. #12
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hi,Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    B.E.-69.20(2 bl cleared)
    i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??
    *Northern Illinois Uni
    *Uni of Massachussets,Lowell
    *New mexico state Uni
    *Suny,New Paltz
    *Wayne state Uni.

    I have got Acceptance from Suny New Paltz, and waiting for other Uni decision.Can any1 tell me howz Suny New paltZ.,Should i proceed further or should i wait for other uni to reply coz i hardly have another month for applying Loan,Visa process.Please help me...

  3. #13
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hi,Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    B.E.-69.20(2 bl cleared)
    i have already applied to these 5 uni mentioned below...
    *Northern Illinois Uni
    *Uni of Massachussets,Lowell
    *New mexico state Uni
    *Suny,New Paltz
    *Wayne state Uni.

    I have got Acceptance from Suny New Paltz, and rejection from NIU & Umass Lowell, waiting for other 2Uni for decision.Can any1 tell me howz Suny New paltZ.,Should i proceed further or should i wait for other uni to reply coz i hardly have another month for applying Loan,Visa process.Please help me...

  4. #14
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    heloo,this is ramya please evaluate my profile:
    acads-75% 1 bl
    im planning to apply some univ for spring2013 temme whether these r gd univ or not and suggest me some other univ also
    univ of houston clear lake
    souther illnois univ edvardsvillie
    wichitha state univ
    north west missori state univ

  5. #15
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ramz View Post
    heloo,this is ramya please evaluate my profile:
    acads-75% 1 bl
    im planning to apply some univ for spring2013 temme whether these r gd univ or not and suggest me some other univ also
    univ of houston clear lake
    souther illnois univ edvardsvillie
    wichitha state univ
    north west missori state univ
    apply for clevland state university
    ferris state university tooo

  6. #16
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    can u suggest me the univeristies for my profile gre 295 btech I.T. 72% toefl yet to take nxt week for spring intake whar are the chance to me for getting scholarships in nviersitie of texas,florida,okalohma and indiana

  7. #17
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Hello Sir,
    Please evaluate my profile according to few unvi I have selected
    gre-298 quant-149,verb-149
    undergrad-67% backlogs 5 in 1st yr and 2'1 sem only and those were not major subjects

    Unvi which I have thought for are.

    1. Univ of Memphis (WES)
    2. Univ of North Carolina Grensboro -(WES)
    3. Northern Illinois University
    4. University of Missouri St.Louis
    5. University of Missouri Kansas City
    6. University of Missouri Colombia
    7. Western Illinois University
    8. Eastern Illinois University
    9. Univ of Illinois Springfield
    10. University of Illinois System Chicago

    Also suggest some unvi in missouri and illlonois mainly if possible
    Awaiting for your valuable response..
    Thanking you...

  8. #18
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    University Selections for Spring 2014

    Hello Admin,

    This is Yash From India.

    I had taken date of GRE on 27th July.I hope i will score good.

    I have Some questions

    I had given ETS Powerprep test and Kaplan tests. I got average 295-300/340 (135-140 Verbal And 158-163 Quant). My performance in verbal is so bad. Hardly got 10-12 questions right from 40 ques.

    I had not yet decided 4 university to send my gre Score. around 295-300 Score.

    Please check my Below List of Uni.
    "stevens institute of technology "

    "san jose state university" (1st of August they decide whether they offer Spring 2013 or not)

    "santa clara university"

    Can you Suggest me Some more universities to apply?

    Let me know if you need any other update or details from my side.


  9. #19
    hi,i have done my B.E in computer science and i have booked GRE...so i heard i have to select 4 university's and i am planning to study in USA..so sir can u plss help me out in selecting university's and my agg in B.E is 54.86%..And can u plss suggest me some low cost university's..plzzz help me out sir...

    i am sincerely waiting for ur reply..

  10. #20
    hi, i did my B.E in computers with 72%,
    i got 86% in tenth, 91% in inter and my scores are 290(136+154) in gre and 80 in toefl
    can u suggest universities for my scores with low fee for spring 2012

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