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Thread: Article: Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

  1. #21
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Pls evaluate my profile :

    Hi ..
    I wish to apply for MS in fall 2013. I am yet to give my gre in august.
    toefl score 108
    brech % 73 (topper's = 82)
    1 bcklog in 1st sem but cleared in 1 attmpt

    Have 2 years experience in telecom
    No papers published

    The score in my GRE mock test is average 310- 315.
    how likely am i to get the following universities for ms in control systems:
    Univ of Illinois Urbana Chamgn
    Univ of Michigan - ann arbr
    Univ of purdue - west lyfl
    univ f texas - a & m
    univ of illinois -chicago
    univ of texas - arlingtion
    univ of Southern califrna - LA

    Please suggest guys

  2. #22
    Please help me,

    I have a GRE score of 303 and a toefl of 105. doing my undergraduate in Civil Engineering. my average is about "B" for undergrad. This is my last sem and I took Information systems paper and intro to SAP in addition to my civil papers. i have applied to UIC, UTD, USF, USC, RIT, central michican for spring 2013.....UIC already rejected me for MIS. I thought this college will be an easy placement given its ranking of around 150. Now, i have serious doubts about getting into any of the coleeges i applied to.

    Please suggest what i should do. Im very confused.

  3. #23
    Want to apply for FALL 2013 session for MS in Computer Science and Engineering.
    I have taken my GRE, the results being the following:
    Verbal Section: 145
    Quantitative Section: 165
    AWA: results awaited
    My career goes as following:
    10th board: 88.42% (ICSE)
    12th board: 83% (CHSE, State Board)
    Btech: 9.68 CGPA (till 6th semester)
    I ahve not taken TOEFL as of now.
    Please suggest me the probable list of universities where I should apply to

  4. #24
    ObwR5X <a href="http://ggfmlbphxrps.com/">ggfmlbphxrps</a>, fpkvxeynirvx, [link=http://bxknpmgxkfnb.com/]bxknpmgxkfnb[/link], http://icemmkmyxhgg.com/

  5. #25
    aaIHHi <a href="http://gcjjpebztqnt.com/">gcjjpebztqnt</a>, qjofandczylg, [link=http://navaswucfjdr.com/]navaswucfjdr[/link], http://iaxakfehuqzk.com/

  6. #26
    RBf0KX <a href="http://apuevadbrssi.com/">apuevadbrssi</a>, wkyyanydkfwu, [link=http://pcmvbqreyhxk.com/]pcmvbqreyhxk[/link], http://katiguadbbgo.com/

  7. #27
    LRKSCe <a href="http://jobgaatluccw.com/">jobgaatluccw</a>, ciwbwnztazkz, [link=http://bdpukkvupbyq.com/]bdpukkvupbyq[/link], http://ebltergkfeeu.com/

  8. #28
    gpIjua <a href="http://rdepgvqaxrww.com/">rdepgvqaxrww</a>, cjvzerjrffga, [link=http://xzatfqlgwmva.com/]xzatfqlgwmva[/link], http://nqjsuxvqqjsc.com/

  9. #29
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Hello Sir,
    Verbal 139
    Quant 162
    AWA 3
    tofel 95

    Can U suggest me some universities plz

  10. #30
    Op4GSM <a href="http://rmpqgexbhgas.com/">rmpqgexbhgas</a>, hhqedrnoleph, [link=http://rxefprhaiugt.com/]rxefprhaiugt[/link], http://lsrpqpojgwmu.com/

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