Profile Evaluation for MS in US
Wish to pursue MS in Chemical Engineering from US!!My profile follows like this:-
10th percentage- 96 %
12th percentage- 75 %
Undergrad GPA- 9.02/10 (Among top 5 in class)
GRE - 310,TOEFL - 102
I have 4 international papers, 3 of which are in peer reviewed international journals having I.F -2.391,1.491 and 0.583 respectively.My bachelor thesis was on "Studies on Submerged Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor for treatment of wastewater" and was done in collaboration with Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. For this,I received 3 good awards along with external funding of Rs. 25000/- from Institution of Engineers India(Ltd.)
I have completed 1 summer internship in JSW Cement Pvt. Ltd, where I worked on "Effects of varying clinker and gypsum percentages on properties of supersulphated cement".
• C, Java programming languages
• Aspen HYSYS simulation software , Origin Data Analysis and Graphing Software
I wish to apply to the following colleges for MS & Ph.D
1. TAMU(College Station)--MS
2. Purdue Univ (West Laffayete)--MS
3. Univ. of Colorado Boulder --Ph.D
4. Univ. of Virginia-- Ph.D
5. UniV. of Houston Main Campus-- M.S
6. Clemson Univ--Ph.D
7. Penn State --M.S
8. Arizona State Univ--MS
9. Iowa State Univ--MS
10 Univ of Minnesota,Twin Cities--Ph.D
11.Univ. of Texas at Austin--Ph.D
Kindly evaluate my profile and let me know my chances for admission into these universities.
Thanks in advance!!
looking for pg course in food and related colleges.
Hello sir ,
I have finished my under graduation in 2011 in microbiology,biotechnology,chemistry subjects, and post graduation in microbiology in 2013 and i was working in local diagnostic center for 2 years till date.
I wrote GRE i got 270/340 and i got awa 2.
I wrote IELTS i got 6 bands .
May i know my scope of getting ms in good universities in USA related to food and drink , biotechnology and health care ,to do my dual masters with good demand even for future job.
please suggest me .
Thanks in advance,
Nigama p.