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sir , i am raja shekar . i thank for all ur advices and service.sir i request u to evaluate my profile and suggest universities for me . my profile 10th - 72%, 12 - 86%, 59% (18 backlogs all are cleared)2011 passout. ielts 6.5 gre q 151 v 141 awa 3. i want to do mba or ms in us . plz suggest universites for both mba and ms sir . ishall be thankful for this
I am GOKUL.R . I request u to evaluate my profile and suggest universities for me . gre q 141 v 140 awa 2.5. i want pursue my MS IN MECHANICAL Engg. plz suggest universites for the same. also let me know shud i re-take one more time.
Also i have
Work Exp 2 yrs
Teaching Exp 1 yr.
Can you help me for field of genetics? I don't get any stuff relating to that field on you site.
B and b+ universities are same. Is there a mistake?
I have completed B.E. and M.E. (Electronics and Telecommunication- both first class- Mumbai University) in 2002 and 2004 respectively and have a total 6+ years of experience of Teaching and .net (Development + testing) .
My GRE scores are verbal - 152 and quant - 156 and TOEFL is 112 out of 120.
I have applied for MS in Electrical Engg. (Brooklyn campus - Polytechnic institute - NYU )
Could you please tell me what are my chances of getting an admit in NYU poly?
Pune, India.
i have taken my GRE Yesterday
verbal - 138
quants - 147
ieltes - 6
looking for masters in electrical
having 73 % aggigate from electronics and communications enginneing without any back logs
is there any universitys for fall intke . please suggest me to dis mail id
please its urgent
my profile is,
10th standard---64%....2005 passout
12th(puc)---48%....2007 passout
B E(computer science)---51%....took 4.5 years...2011 passout
have 17 backlogs all cleared...
gre score---297
havn't lost a year in between..
no work experience...
hav to still take my tofel exam,
i'm looking for the jan 2013 intake,
i hav some doubt regarding the visa,
kindly help me by telling me the probability of getting the visa,
my mail id is
sir i am btech 4th yr student my aggregate until now is 80% can i apply to universities of us which can provide me funding my 10th standard % is 80 ND MY INTERMEDIATE % IS 83.1% PLEASE SUGGEST ME SOMETHING SIR I AM DESPERATE
sir can can u please evalute my profile and suggest me info is as fallows....
b-tech(CSE)-68%(no backlogs)
going to take toefl this month.
expecting score between-85-90.
waiting for ur responce.......
i got 59% in with 17 back logs and my gre is 920 and ielts is 6.5 is there any chance for me to study in u.s bcoz many of my frns said with 17backlogs u will not get visa can any one give ur suggestion plz mail to
please evaluate:
Btech- Civil -84%
Work experience:3.9 yrs in TCS
1 international paper
2 national conferences
one award from company
looking for ms in geo technical or in MIS , could you please suggest the universities
i am dileep kumar e
i got 130 in verbal and 144 in quant , 40 in toefl marks.
please guide me whether i will have a chance to get admission from the university or not.
guide me what are the various universities which can i apply.
hello!Sir could u suggest me which university in good for Chemical engineering,,My CGPA 9.09(no backs)10th 92.3%,12th 75%,i did my major project in IISC,bengaluru,gre(taking this month...hoping to get 290+),,,also please suggest me the other course which i can opt for my ms
Spring 2013 | MS | computers | 1160 quant 750 verbal 410 | BE:8.4gpa | ANU
hi !
I hav a gre score of 1160 ... verbal: 410 and quant:750
Currently i am working in a software company and i am having a work experience of 1 and half year as of now.
nd hav a gpa of 8.4/10 in engineering (computer science) ,
95% in 12th grade and
87% in 10th
which univ should i consider for a masters in computer science with the above profile ?
I want to pursue in a university which can provide a good funding and assistant ships(RA/GA/TA).
the univ which i thought of are:
pls suggest my chances in each of them
university of akron
University of Mussori,kansas city
West Virginia university
louisiana state university baton rouge
Missisipi state university
University of nebraska-lincoln
Collarado state university
hi i have a gre score of 295 v-140 q -155 and 2012 passed out of btech I.T of 72% 88% in both 10th and 12th grade which univ will be better for masters in computer science for my profile and any scholarship chances toefl yet to write nxt week .any univ in florida for my profile plz can usuggest dis especially
hello guys suggest me some good universities(spring 2013) for ms in cs based on my profile
1) my gre score is 290(138 in verbal and 152 in quants)(first attempt in revised GRE)(old GRE score is 850)
2) toefl yet to take
3) CGPA 7.5(BE - CSE)(2012 passout)
4) one national conference paper
5) one international conference paper and second international conference paper going to present in dis august
6) my paper had been selected for two jounals and also they are goin to be publish the journals soon
7) IBM-DB2 Certified
pls suggest me some good universities for spring 2013
reply as soon as possible
thank u so much in advance:):):)
reply to my mail id (
Hai, Plz Evaluate my Profile for MS in CS, Applying for FALL 2013 GRE:920(650+270,3.0), 12th-88%, 10th- 85%, Done two Projects in my UG, 1.5yrs IT Experience, Please suggest me Universities for my Profile...
applying for fall 2013 .. GRE:300 ( Q:159 V:141);
10th 81% .. +2: 80% .. finishing in 2013 : 60% (JNTU affiliated college)
Arizona State University
University of Arizona Tucson.
Rutgers state univ Brunswick
University of California Irvine..
suggest me some universities for M.S in Computer Networks..
Thank You :-)
hi guys,
want to pursue my ms in spring 2013.
yet to write my gre and toefl.
will complete writing it by sep 2012.
can i make it before the deadline closes..
if possible please suggest me some universities..
thank u in advance
Hi Sir ,
I have finished my UG in 2010 and i was working in reputed IT firm for 2years till date .
I have wrote GRE and i got 306/340 and rc , i got 2.5/6 .
I yet to recieve my TOEFL score .
May i know my scope of getting MS seat in EMU,Michigan .
Please suggest me .
Thanks in advance ,
Praveen CK
Hi Guys,
want to pursue my MS in Spring 2013.
Yet to write my GRE & TOEFL.
Will complete by this Sept 2012.
I have done MCA in 2004 and have 6 plus exp in IT., let me know is the age contrraints? my age is 31 now.
if possible please suggest me some Courses, to get easy admission and Universities is best with min cost......
of course a higehr GRE will help as it a graduate test However the TOEFL test will not help as that an English competency's test and colleges assume you can speak English however a substandard TOEFL test can hurt your chances.however the major reason for a full scholarship is excellent promise and sever economic need. But I have to warn you it very hard to get a full scholarship at the graduate levelas I quite aware as a white male,I have not got a single scholarship even though I hold a 4.0 average and living under poverty as I not taking loans and yes I have tryed every quarter I tryed over and over
vLPWl6 <a href="">knvbcbxghhlg</a>
zkXfUC <a href="">xgokejwtzvoe</a>
It is not possible to apply if you write your gre in sept2012 if u wish to aplly for spring 2013 as most of the university deadlines finish by then(sept nd oct 2012). Its takes 1-2 weeks before your gre score is available online and can be reported. Its better if u complete ur gre in aug 2012 if u wis to apply for spring 2012 or postpone ur plan to fall 2013..
For Mechanical Engineering and other core engineers i would strongly recommend you to apply to schools in Texas because of the presence of the core comanies in Houston. You can try schools such UT Dallas (little ambitious) , UT Tyler (good school and since you have teaching experience you most probably will get a TA). You can also try schools near and at Houston. But those are going to be expensive.
I am Meera. I kindly request u to evaluate my profile and suggest universities for me. My gre score is quant-161 and verbal-144, awa-2.5. and my GPA is 3.43/4.0 . I want to pursue my MS in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. Please help me to decide the colleges and i m planning for spring intake. Your Suggestion will count for me.
Thank you in advance.
Spring 2013 | MS | Industiral Engineering | 1050 quant 750 verbal 300 | BE:67% | ANU
hi !
I hav a gre score of 1050 ... verbal: 300 and quant:750
nd hav a gpa of 67/100 in engineering (Mechanical) ,
93% in 12th grade and
88% in 10th
which univ should i consider for a masters in Industrial Engineering with the above profile ?
I want to pursue in a university which can provide a good funding and assistant ships(RA/GA/TA) or good co-op/intership and final placements.
the univ which i thought of are:
pls suggest my chances in each of them
hey..i gave gre recently and got 314 (q:164, v:150) and 4.0 in this a decent score?? should i give it again for more score??
Hi friends..
I got 306 in GRE.
Verbal: 144
Quant: 162
AWA: 2.5
Toefl: 96
I have completed my B.E. in Computer Engineering and my CGPA is 8.1/10.
Plz suggest me universities..
thanks....any suggestions where i could get into...i m applying for masters in networking
Yur score is more than enuff.... Yu ll get good universities for sure considering yur acads r good....
Gud luck
Everything is good except AWA.... I mean if the university person strongly looks at yur AWA too it might create problem.... But for yur profile yu can apply for OSU, NEU, WYU, UTD, UTA, IUPUI, UNO, RIT, Clemson, etc....
hi friends i'm taking gre on monday,plz suggest me some universities offering ms in pharmaceutical sciences.
my academics in b-pharmacy81%.plz suggest me
You can also consider UT Dallas,UT Tyler. Try to get in touch with the professors over there. I am sure you will get assistantships in either one of those. Getting a job after graduation depends on how hard you try.
HI sir,
I got 294 score in GRE(Verbal-141,Quant-153,AWA-3.0) TOEFL yet to take.
B.Tech-68.94,Intermediate-94,10th-88.88.Will u please suggest me the best choice among the following universities I want to do MS in CS.And also tell me about the assistantship chances for me in those universities..
Northern Illinois University
Northwest Missouri State University
Texas A & M University Kingsville
University of Houston Clear Lake
University of Louisiana Lafayette
University of New Heaven
Please do respond quickly.Thanx in advance.. :)
gre 292 v141 q151
BE IT-73(topper -78)
will work for TCS from oct 2012
trying to apply for
1. CMU
2. NYU
3. IUB - Kelley
5. UCinn
6. UC Berkeley
7. Syracuse
8. UWash
9. UOA- Eller
10. UIC
plzz evalualte
Hi ...this is sweety...want to pursue ms in usa in spring 2013.
My gre score is 296..verbal--142.....quant---154.
My toefl score 64.
suggest some universities for me..with low fee and which is having funding also.i completed my graduation with %62.21.and 5 backlogs.