hello friends suggest me universities na..
i am pruthvi and this is my profile..
tenth 82.3%
intermediate cbse 68.6%
gre 295 quant 154 and verbal :141
no int papers no paper presentation
i did my bachelors in electronics and instrumentation engineering
do suggest me universities for spring 2013!
please evaluate my profile
planning for spring 2013 (masters in HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION)
my profile: gre-289 verbal-141, quant-148, IELTS-6
10th-83%, 12-91.5, UG- 69% 1backlog
i have finalized
university of houston clearlake
western kentucky university
eastern illinois university
university of findlay
worcester state university
can i get admits from these universities if not SUGGEST me some universities
Hi... I need help from you regarding univ selection
My GRE score was 291/340
Verbal :136
Quant :155
AWA 3.0
L 6.5
R 7
S 7
W 6.5
I have shortlisted these universities
university of North corolina charlotte
university of texas-arlington
univ of delaware
Illinois institute of technology
Univ of Idaho,
University of kentucky,
Oklahoma state university,
Lousiana state university-baton rogue,
university of pittsburgh,
colorado state university,
University of tennessee knoxville,
University of OKlahoma,
University of missouri rolla,
George mason university,
university of mississippi ole
My X % 89.8
12th % 88.2
MY acads upto 3-1 are 78.3%
I am planning to go For Fall 2013 for Civil Engineering
how many of those universities are safe and moderate for my profile
Can u suggest me some univ which are likely ro get based on my profile to do MS in Civil Engineering ?
My intended specialisation is either construction management or transportation engineering
Please help me....
Hello ppl can any one suggest me few universities for my profile
GRE: 281 [q:141,V:140] , Ielts:6.5.
B.tech:70% (2 backlogs(cleared))
10th: 72
Bachelors in Information Technology
Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
10 th marks - 91%
12th - 89 %
B.Tech I.T - 67% with 5 backlogs
GRE- 306 (v-142 m-164) AWA - 2.5/6
i have shortlisted Some universites.. so plz sugest me among them to apply. which are moderate and whch are safe??
eastern illionois univesity
university of illinois Chicago
eastern michigan university
Thanks in advance
Praveen CK
10th - 76%
12th - 81%
B.E(ECE) - 8-12/10 CGPA or 79% in 2008
After Graduation, I am loaded with Electronics Industry experience. Now, i am planning to MS EE for Spring 2013. I have not taken GRE and Toefl tests. I thought of applying universities in august and planning to report scores in SEP 2012 ending...Is this good plan? And pls suggets me some universities which suits my profile and should be moderate and safe.
Hello Sir,
I have recently appeared for the GRE and
verbal 139/170
quant 162/170
total 301/340
AWA result yet to come
TOFEL yet to appear
I have completed BE/EC with 67% overall
can U suggest me some universities matching my profile for fall 2013
application for spring
i got gre-1180 awa-1.5 ielts-6.5 (w-5.5,r-6.5,l-7,s-7) 10th-87%, inter-82%, btech-63% with 3 backlogs