Recommended universities would be:
University of Houston Clear Lake
University of Houston Main Campus
Florida State University
Oklahoma State University Stillwater
Depaul University
Northern Illinois University
All the Best!
Hi ,
I am Giridhar having 2 years of work eperience in IT industry.
My gre score is 296
verbal - 136
Quant - 160
AW - 3
Is it good enough score or i need to retake it?
My percentage is 76 %.
Toefl yet to take
Looking for Spring 2013 admissions MS in Computer Science?
Help me to list out which univ i can apply.
Recommended universities would be:
University of Houston Clear Lake
University of Houston Main Campus
Florida State University
Oklahoma State University Stillwater
Depaul University
Northern Illinois University
All the Best!
Your Acadamics are good. If you can retake GRE and make score >215, it would yield to good admisison results. If you want to retake GRE, make it by June ending.
For profile evaluation please add your Scores, Academics to your admission profile. If you have already applied please add the univ list. To Edit your profile visit
University groups. If the univ group you are applying is not listed, please create a group by your own.
Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA | US University Rankings by Major for MS,PhD
Thanks Ajay and Sherzil... Can i expect funding in those univ if any?
Tough to expect funding in first sem from those univs...
Apply to Texas State University, San Marcos - u will ahve good chances of funding..
For profile evaluation please add your Scores, Academics to your admission profile. If you have already applied please add the univ list. To Edit your profile visit
University groups. If the univ group you are applying is not listed, please create a group by your own.
Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA | US University Rankings by Major for MS,PhD
As per suggestions here as well as my personal preference . I am planning to apply for below Universities
1) Villanova
2) CSU Long Beach
3) San Jose State Univ
4) Univ of Houston Main Campus
5)UNC Charlotte
6)TSU San Marcos
7)Univ of Texas Arlington
8) NOrth Illinois
Please evaluate my profile and let me know my chances of getting admission and GA in the above univ's.
Can any one help me how to convert percentage to GPA.. There are many formulas and it is very confusing which one to use.
Is there any standard solution for this?
I am planning to write GRE again on AUG 1st week .Will it be useful to retake as admissions deadlines are very near.(OCT 1).
Can i go ahead and apply now and can i inform univ about new scores later. Will it be useful to getting GA?
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