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Thread: seek ms-in-us guidance

  1. #1
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    seek ms-in-us guidance


    I will be travelling to US with H4 visa.

    I plan to take up MS in fall 2013 once I am there. I prefer a state university.
    I have 6+ years of experience in IT. I am a B.E. in Electrical Engineering.

    I plan to do MS in Computer Science. I also would like to take up some assistant program to meet my expenses.
    I will be taking up GRE by end of this year.

    What do I need to do? Where do I look for universities that have research program that matches my profile?

    Please guide me. There is too much info on the internet and its overwhelming.

  2. #2
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I suggest you to take up GRE diagnostic test first and see what your scores are. It is really very difficult to suggest universities without having any idea about the scores. The diagnostic test will give a rough idea about your score range. This test will be provided in any GRE study material I suggest you to take that up before you start looking at universities! all the best!

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