Hi, could you guys help me choose some universities to apply for my masters in CS?

Undergrad: BS Computer Engineering (Brazil)
Cumulative GPA: 87/100 (Top 1 in a class of 50 students)
TOEFL: 115
GRE: Q: 170 / V: 150

- Spring 2008: I started my undergard;
- Fall 2009: I was TA in a data structures class;
- Spring 2010: I was TA in Object Oriented Programming class;
- Fall 2010: I took part in an exchange program with San Jose State University in the Silicon Valley. I took 4 classes of their Computer Engineering Department and I finished the semester with a 4.0 GPA. One of the professors invited me to be a TA in his algorithms class in the following semester.
- Spring 2011: After this semester at SJSU, I interned at Analog Devices (multinational in the field of semiconductors) in the Silicon Valley for 5 months.
- Fall 2011 - Spring 2012: I've been participating in the ACM ICPC.

Please, suggest me some universities. I would rather stay in California, but I'm open to suggestions

Thank you guys in advance.