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Thread: HELLO frnds...I retook GRE and improved my score...(Profile evaluation) for fall 2013

  1. #1
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    HELLO frnds...I retook GRE and improved my score...(Profile evaluation) for fall 2013


    My new gre score is Verbal -147 and Quant - its 307
    In my first attempt my score total score like 295. I had posted my profile in MS in US and I was advised to retake gre.
    Maximus_199 and some other ppl had advised to get some decent score of 160 above in quant and 150 above in verbal.
    and I tried and got this score.....

    I am applying for MS in US fall engineering.

    My profile goes like this:-
    academics :- BE in Electrical and Electronics from PES Institute of Technology and my gpa is 7.937 on 10.
    12th 86.6% and 10th 95.68 (if it helps)

    research papers publications :- two in IEEE based on my reseach also presented them in shanghai, china. and
    malaysia last year.
    one in International journal of advanced computing for which the recent science
    publications awarded me life time membership for international association of professional
    two submitted.
    projects :- around 7 major and few minors
    noted work includes ankur project for INTEL INDIA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD

    internship :- summer project intern at PESIT(in my college) for INTEL ankur project.

    patents :- one applied, its under the process.
    extracurricular :- was a member of college dramatics team. co-founded a electronics hardware open source group in my
    college, where we work on all these new tech stuffs like gestural recognition, image processing,
    awards :- ghayna shree state award for 2007, and few distinction awards in my BE.

    letter of reco :- 3...will be from reputed professors.

    I was planning for these universities which includes safe mod and ambi.
    But I dont know which falls under which category.......So if you guys can will be highly appreciable.

    University of Southern California
    Arizona state university
    northwestern university
    Georgia Inst of Technology
    Ohio sate univ (I have heard they have good prgm for Computer Engineering)
    Carnegie Mellon univ (Well I Know its ambi but wanna give a shot)
    University of Massachusetts -Amherst
    illions Institute of Technology
    Gorge Mason Univ
    Penn State
    university of Wisconsin Madison
    North eastern univ boston

    Friends please help me to categorize them.... also please provide some info if there are any negativity associated with some universities.
    If you think I can try for some other univ..please comment.

    Your candid opinions are highly appreciable.

    Thank you,
    Last edited by NAVEEN M N; 08-22-2012 at 11:15 PM.

  2. #2
    MS in US Senior
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    You should also try SUNY Buffalo, UFL (there are also chances that you might get funded here) .

  3. #3
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hello Pritam,

    Thanks for your suggestion.
    I will consider these univ

    How is illions inst of tech for computer engineering ? any idea??
    What do you think about my chances for Ohio state univ and university of southern California? I am really looking forward for these university...

    Thank you,

  4. #4
    MS in US Senior
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    for your profile IIT is a bit low !! Aim higher

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