GRE(old format)
AWA: 4.0
total - 1480
BE(Electronics & Instrumentation) BITS-Pilani:78%
Work Experience:30 months in software development with reputed companies samsung,hewlett packard
Desired: MS in CS/fall 2013 , need univs with good placement record.
Shortlisted univs :
A grade univs -
Purdue University - West Lafayette
Rice University
Duke University
Ohio state university
Pennsylvania state university - University park
Northwestern University
Rutgers, state university of New jersey
University of virginia
A- grade Univs
University of Massachusetts -Amherst
University of North Carolina - Chapell Hill
Boston University
University of Southern California
University of chicago
Could anyone please evaluate my profile. I need to select fast.
Last edited by bruce32; 11-20-2012 at 12:39 PM.
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