GRE: 315 AWA-3, TOEFL- 101 %- 77.94
Topper's % - 81%

Summer Training at NTPC ltd.- in second year

Summer Training at Reliance Communications ltd.- in third year

Won 1st prize for my project at IIT Delhi (at national level) - This is never been implemented before.

Research paper published in IEEE international conference at NIT- allahabad (paper is available at IEEE xPlore)- this is a novel method and is never implemented before.

Research paper published in IJERSTE (international journal)- again this is my own innovation and is never used before.

Designed and fabricated 360 degree air cooler which is first of it's kind in Inida.

Final year project: Design and fabrication of control circuit for 3 phase multilevel voltage source inverter.

Got selected and attended the Science conclave 2012 (where 220 engineers were selected to attend from all over the country)

Preparing to apply for fall 2014 for MS in power systems or power electronics in the following universities:

Georgia Institute of Technology
Purdue University
Uni. of Minnesota- Twin Cities
Penn. State Uni.
Texas A&M Uni.
Uni. of Maryland-College Park
Northeastern University
Virginia poly.
Uni. of southern California
Arizona State Uni.
University of Illinois - Chicago
Uni. of Texas- Dallas