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Thread: Article: Visa Approved for Spring 2014 for UT, Dallas

  1. #1
    Administrator admin's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Article: Visa Approved for Spring 2014 for UT, Dallas

  2. #2
    what are your scores in gre and toefl

  3. #3

    Tips for interview

    Hi congratulations on your ViSA approval. I have received admit from Texas Tech University for Spring 2014 and can you please give me some tips for the interview. Even I will be attending Visa interview at Chennai consulate.

    Rakesh V
    Email: vrakesh.murthy@gmail.com

  4. #4

    Happy to hear

    Great news. Glad to hear that many Visa interviews are nowadays really short. Waiting to appear for mine for Spring 2014 next month. Thank you admin for this very encouraging post !!

  5. #5

    Question what should i do ?

    Hi everyone , I do have some few question , I have applied for 2017 fall and I graduated college at 2015 . The 2 yrs gap is because I was joint pain and underwent treatment and have no work experience . The only dream I have was to pursue Ms in electrical engineering . What should I say if the vo ask about my 2 yrs gap.

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