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Thread: Bad performance in academics in my UG

  1. #1
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Bad performance in academics in my UG

    hello guys, the question here is, i took 8 years in engineering, ie 2005 to 2013 due to some personel problems, right now i hav to give my ielts and gre in the coming month, and my family is quite supportive. Will the embassy ask why did i took so much of time in engineering ? and will this effect the interview ? and what will be the best appropriate answer .

  2. #2
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I know one of friend who has done engineering for 7 years and got the visa.

    They asked just three questions :-

    1.why this university
    ans :- regular answering with pros of the university it will benefit him.
    ans :- Talk about the faculty in his department as how they do their research and practical

    3.Why did you took 7 years for eng.
    ans :- I have gone through lot of struggle as I have met with a accident where my backbone was affected and it took me 3 years to recover from that pain.
    This is the only opportunity I have to prove myself and achieve my dreams.(this answer my friend gave is not true but it got him visa)

    He got visa right way

    visit for more info at

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