ambitious-uncc,uic,wsu;moderate-utd,safe-uta,sunny buffaloe,uhmc(since u have good gpa u can get easily admitted into these universities.).
This is my Profile:
GRE-306 ( Quant-159, Verbal-147, AWA-4.0)
TOEFL ( S-27, L-26, R-25, W-27)
Btech in ECE with 81.98%
2 projects in Embedded systems
I want to do MS in Electrical Engineering and applying for session FALL 2015
Based on my profile I have shortlisted the following universities:
University of Houston
University Of Texas, Dallas
University Of Texas, Arlington
University of South Carolina
University Of California, Long Beach
Wright state university
University at Buffalo, SUNY
SUNY, Stony Brook
University Of Illinois at Chicago
Missouri university of Science and Technology
University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Washington State University
Can anyone please evaluate the selection of universities and suggest if they are safe or moderate choice to apply? In case I have missed some university that suits my profie, Please suggest. Hope to get some replies soon.
Thanx in advance
ambitious-uncc,uic,wsu;moderate-utd,safe-uta,sunny buffaloe,uhmc(since u have good gpa u can get easily admitted into these universities.).
Thanx a lot nitingottiparth for your valuable suggestion. Can you please suggest a CSU campus that is safe for my profile?
please mention the univesrity correctly,are u asking me about california state univerityfullerton,california state university losangels,actually these universities are very much safe for ur profile but these are lowranked one.california is very good state.
Yes I am asking about California State University, Fullerton and California State University, Los Angeles. Please suggest me any other university that is good (in terms of ranking and electrical engg program) and at the same time safe for my profile.
Thanx in advance.
some of the universities which u have listed are good ones those are university of houston main campus,univesity of texas at dallas(most reputed one),arllington ,and u can also apply university of north carolina charlotte(this is an awesome univ if u dont get admit in UTD just go for this univ) these are all moderate for ur profile,and as already said wright is very much safe for ur profile but aim for the moderate ones.which majors u want to go for.
Electrical Engineering is the major that I'm aiming for and sorry for late reply.. Your suggestions means a lot![]()
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