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Thread: Article: Student Denied Entry into USA on F1 Visa

  1. #1
    Administrator cherukuri_ajay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Article: Student Denied Entry into USA on F1 Visa

    For profile evaluation please add your Scores, Academics to your admission profile. If you have already applied please add the univ list. To Edit your profile visit

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    Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA | US University Rankings by Major for MS,PhD

  2. #2

    Change your Sevis

    If you change your sevis fees to the university Y from X when you are in India you will not have any problem...
    That's how I did...
    My visa says university X, but I'm studying in Y..

  3. #3


    Well. Until your SEVIS was transfered, you were student of Oklahoma Uni. You should not have made that mistake !!!!!
    Anyway good luck !

  4. #4
    Always use email as evidence

  5. #5

    Know things before you book a flight

    It is actually your fault,if you got visa for Oklahoma City University,you have to enter USA with the same university..As port of entry is a security issue they check your sevis id and your admission in the university...And sevis is all for an F1 visa,sevis Id is one id per student which transfers from university to university if you want to transfer to other universities,firstly you should step into USA with f1 visa you got for example Oklahoma City University in your case.Secondly,After your entry you have to communicate with both of your universities regrading transfer and set things up(this is an easy step).If universities approves your request, sevis will be transfered to other university where you want to study (in your case Findlay university).But without sevis transfer university may not accept you as their student..Keep in mind admission is different from sevis..things before entry and after entry will be different..And also remember, try mostly to enter into state in USA where your university is located to avoid questions from immigration....All the best for next time...

  6. #6
    So your advice is to lie?

  7. #7
    Can I get into the US from a different Port of Entry apart from the one situated in my University?
    For instance, my school is in Boston and my Port of Entry would be New York,is that okay?

  8. #8
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    What school would you suggest for me with a GRE of 290, TOEFL of 103, I want to study Peace and Conflict Studies or African American Studies. Thanks

  9. #9
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Is it okay to come in through JFk while my school is in Boston? JFK has always been my port of entry anytime I am coming to the US.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If you change your sevis fees to the university Y from X when you are in India you will not have any problem...
    That's how I did...
    My visa says university X, but I'm studying in Y..
    Are you sure about this? I have the same situation and my university says that I have to transfer fee so I will have no issue in POE. is that correct?

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