Studying aerospace engineering in USA cane be rewarding as there are number of opportunities brimming. With advancements in technology and changes in designs of aircrafts and spacecrafts, engineers with this specialization are valued highly in the job market. There are also opportunities available due to engineers retiring or changing occupations. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the need for aerospace engineers will grow by seven percent from 2012-2022.Aerospace engineers can develop control systems for jet fighters, analyze new materials for spacecraft construction and research propulsion methods for missiles. These experts in mechanics, thermodynamics, robotics and aerodynamics are involved in creating and producing helicopters, military and commercial aircraft, rockets and space exploration craft. It’s most common for them to possess an aerospace engineering bachelor’s degree, although a master’s degree is usually needed for careers in engineering education and research. Experienced aerospace engineers may seek Professional Engineer (PE) licensure after completion of their degree.

Further aerospace engineers with advanced education and experience in mechanical, electrical, materials or computer engineering disciplines can plan and construct spacecraft and aircraft. When dealing with spacecraft, these professionals are called astronautical engineers. Those who focus on aircraft are called aeronautical engineers. Most aerospace engineers concentrate on single areas of the field, such as propulsion systems, flight mechanics, guidance and control systems, aerodynamics or robotics. They may be involved in research, planning, testing, production or analysis within any of these areas.

Around two-thirds of the graduates of aerospace engineering in USA are in employment, while a further 16% are in further study, either full time or part time while working. More than a fifth of those in employment are working as mechanical engineers. Other popular careers include engineering professionals and technician roles.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), aerospace engineers had a mean hourly wage of $50.70 as of May 2013 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This contributes to an average yearly salary of $105,450. Aerospace engineers in the lowest ten percent made about $65,130 or less, while those in the top ten percent made upwards of $150,680 or more, as reported by the BLS.

Opportunities also exist with regulators such as the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the armed forces, government research agencies, airline companies, space programmes, suppliers of raw materials and parts to manufacturers, etc. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) offer substantial job roles from engineering to commercial and managerial roles within sales, finance and IT.

Employers in this segment value experience gained through industrial placements, summer placements or part-time work. Industrial placements as part of your course can lead to openings within the company as employers see this as an opportunity to identify potential recruits, while also adding valuable experience to your CV. If industrial placements are not part of your course, you can try to seek out summer placements with major engineering or manufacturing companies.

Work experience in any kind of roles within manufacturing, maintenance or related settings, whether in the office, factory shop floor or laboratory, will help you to gain knowledge of the whole production process or develop skills such as designing, research or working in a team. Joining relevant societies while at university also demonstrates your interest.

If you wish to pursue aerospace engineering in USA, it is best to select top ranked universities. Employment opportunities and career prospects in this specialization are immense in a country like USA and hence students need to understand the current and future trends of the market before taking up such specialization.