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Thread: Article: Suggest Some universities for my Profile

  1. #181
    hi want to apply for fall 2014 my gre 284 ielts 5.5 under graduation 73% suggest me some univ

  2. #182
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Question Plz evaluate my profile of MS in CS/Telecommunication. GRE - 301

    Can you please evaluate my profile:

    Class 10th: 71%
    Class 12th: 71.8%

    Graduation: BCA ( BIT, Noida) -> 67%
    Post Graduation ( Distance Learning - SMU ): MCA -> reult awaited ( estimating 65% )

    Certification: ISTQB Foundation level
    Job Experience: 3yr( in july 2014 )

    GRE - 301 ( Verbal -141 and Quant 160 )
    Toefl - Have to Book.

    Extra : Sports Person ( Played Taekwando National Level and State Level)

    I am looking forward to pursue MS in Computer Application or Telecommunication ( which ever is better )

    Please Let me know in which university I can apply or I should take GRE again?

  3. #183
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    can any one plz help me? plz tell me how am i supposed to upload my profile?
    i created and account but am not able to find where to upload profile.. plz help

  4. #184
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    heloo,this is misagh please evaluate my profile:
    Gre-291(v-142,q-149, aw 2.5)
    gpa bachelor: 2.6 ----- gpa MS : 3
    im planning to apply some univ for fall 2014 for phd degree. temme whether these r gd or not and suggest me some univ

  5. #185
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    heloo,this is misagh please evaluate my profile: master in civil engineering
    Gre-291(v-142,q-149,aw 2.5)
    gpa bachelor 2.6 gpa master 3
    im planning to apply for phd in some univ for fall 2014 temme whether these r gd or not and suggest me some other univ also

  6. #186
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hi. I have written gre and got a score of 295 (154 Q ; 141 V) AWA-3.0. I m an above average student and Ashamed of this score.. I have 80% in Btech without a backlog. +2 85.1 and 10th 90.8%.. I m giving my TOEFL tomorrow. Expecting Minimum 95+
    I need Good universities which would provide me funding for first sem. My parents would not be able to assure me for loan cause there's no property for it.. I have graduated in 2012 and working for almost 2 yrs in a reputed MNC
    Please Suggest me.. I thought the following:
    California State University, Sacramento
    San Jose University
    Southern Illinois

    Does these universities make me achieve my target of doing MS in computer science?

    I have intern experience also.. and can excel in semesters.

  7. #187
    i am an ECE student with
    CGPA : 8.39
    GRE verbal: 156
    GRE Quant: 164
    Toefl: 114
    No paper publication or project.
    about to pursue a research internship at georgia tech, usa.
    I want to pusue my masters in Nanotechnology with concentration on biology side.
    The following universities are offering me the course:
    State University of New York-Albany
    University of Pennsylvania
    University of California-San Diego
    North Carolina State University

    Is the above list too ambitious for my profile or is it sensible??

  8. #188
    Please evaluate my profile considering the following information.
    10 th marks - 59 percent.
    intermediate - 55.5%
    B.Tech CSE- 59% with 18 backlog[cleared]
    GRE- 296 (v-136 m-160)
    IELTS yet to be taken..

  9. #189
    Yusuf Ali
    Hey can you suggest me a best univ I can get with funding for MS in CS or software engineering.
    GRE: V-170, Q-156
    Engineering in CS: 69.96%
    Work ex: 9 months(Till date) in TCS

  10. #190
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Hi Friends,

    Please do evaluate my profile and suggest me some universities.

    This is Shruthi and am applying for MS in Computer Engineering - Fall 2014

    GRE- 297 (Q - 151 V- 146 AWA - 3)
    TOEFL - 88 ( R- 22 L-18 W-24 S-24)
    B.E/EEE - 9.24 /10

    Had presented a paper in National Symposium and have few extra curricular activities.

    Please suggest me some good universities which are safe and ambitious.

    Thanks in advance.

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