I've got 130 in GRE and 36 backs!
I've taken 8 years to complete engineering in computer science!
I am working as a senior partner with McKinsey & Company.
What are my chances of getting a seat at Tontadarya, Boston, USA???
Can i get oklahoma state university for gre scre 294 ielts 6.5 having btech aggregate 75% in mechanical
I've got 130 in GRE and 36 backs!
I've taken 8 years to complete engineering in computer science!
I am working as a senior partner with McKinsey & Company.
What are my chances of getting a seat at Tontadarya, Boston, USA???
hi, my gre score is 302
verbal; 152
quant; 150
Bsc Food science and Technology
what schools can i get into for ms in Food Technology with scholarship.
My score is 300(q-148, v-152)
toefl 90
B.E. 8.67
branch ECE
plz suggest some universities
Hi Friends,
Can somebody help with the universities?
My profile
GRE 293
Verbal 139, quanta 154,Aw 3
TOEFL 83 (R-18,L-20,S-23,W-22)
Under Grad-Mumbai University with 59.32%
Work Experience - 2 .8 yrs in Manual Testing(QA)
Course Interested in MIS
Name of universities shortlisted:
1) UTA
2)university of Houston,clear lake
8)Stevens Institute of Technology
Your suggestions are welcomed!
you can reply on
this is srinadh, completed B.E in mech.engg.
planning for fall 2015 in mechanical.
my profile
GRE - 290 (V-141 ; Q - 149; AWA-2)
IELTS - overall 6.5
U.G - 78%
Suggest me some good & safe universities for my profile...
Any help is appreciated. THANK U.....
gre 303 quant 161 verbal 142 awa 3.0 cgpa 7.24 (2 backlogs) ...universities plz
I got GRE 292- Verbal 137 and Quant 155 and AW - 3.0 , Can i get Northeastern University, Boston for Industrial Engg?
my gre score is 294 and toefl 86 can i apply for texas arlington for construction management
Mu GRE Score- 293
verbal 145
quant 148
awa- 3.0
should i apply in university of texas arlingtn?
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