prepare a list of univ's in which u r interested so that anyone can suggest in which of those u may get..
My GRE 306(V:147, Q:159, AW:3)
Toefl : Yet to take
Job EXP: 2 yrs
Btech: 6.77/10
10+2: 74
10: 76.4
Please guys help me.
I want to do for MS in Computer science.
I m very much confused which university to apply.
Please some body help me.
prepare a list of univ's in which u r interested so that anyone can suggest in which of those u may get..
u have gud chances for suny buffalo
hi friends,
plz evaluate
my profile
gre 307( qa-162, verb-145) awa-3
ielts 7 64 (9 backs in past)
want to pursue ms in cs
applied to albany,arlington,san jose
what are my chances
plz suggest some ambitious,mod,safe colls plz
My GRE 306(V:147, Q:159, AW:3)
Toefl : Yet to take
Job EXP: 2 yrs
Btech: 6.77/10
10+2: 74
10: 76.4
my choices are
Arizona State University
Indiana University--Bloomington
University at Buffalo--SUNY
university of texas dallas
what are my chances???
any other good and economical university u can suggest(short oh fund)
please guys help ..
hello pavan,
u have gud gre score alibany arlinton sanjose are safe colleges..u can try for some other mod n ambitious ones check thru this post u can find some of them..
hello neelav
If u have already applied to suny its ok otherwise add another one cuz deadline is completed on jan 15th..
ASU is safe UTD is safe but it is costly compared to UB and IUB.. u can also try OSU its cheap..
hi again friend needs an evaluation too but he is not able to get permission to post comments somehow
his profile
GRE-305: V-149,Q-156,AWA-3.0
1 BSNL internship,1yr Job exprnce as DBA.
applied for:
George mason
unvrsty of Missouri,Kansas city
SUNY Buffalo
Illinois Chicago UIC
North eastern
Ohio state unvrsty
Unvrsty of Texas Dallas.
please evaluate this..
gmu u have gud chances.. its a very gud college but living costs r a bit high in fairfax, u have gud chances in oklahoma as well.. i dunno abt houston
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