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Thread: ms in cs profile evaluation

  1. #231
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sowmya74 View Post
    unc chapel hill-safe
    ncsu-ambi to mod
    suny sb- ambi
    utd-safe( it becomes mod if there are huge applications so better apply early ) for n/wing n db this is a very good univ..
    u can also try syracuse its a good univ for db and heard that funding is good..
    also try suny buffalo- low fee n plenty of ta's n ra's..
    IUB one of the best univ's for cs apply before priority deadline that will be dec 1 2013 n u'll surely get a schlrshp ( many studnts got it for this fall) it will be safe to ur prof.. good luck
    Thanks Sowmya.

    Yes, I will be applying for Fall 2014 and hence if I start applying at the earliest, I may have good chances of scholarship.

  2. #232
    MS in US Guru sowmya74's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    yeahh apply around sept to all univs u wish to apply u'll have a higher chnc of schlrshp n if posible include iub to the list its a very very gud univ

  3. #233
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanks Sowmaya,
    I had gone through details of universities. My main criteria is tuition fee, which made me reject most of the good universities.
    only 1) University of Louisiana, Lafayette and 2) Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville have fee I can afford( Totally dependent upon bank loan which has limit of 20L) .
    More over these prerequisite courses would increase total cost as I am from ECE not Computer.
    So what to do , seems I am in deadlock . My main problems are
    1)Do not want to wait till spring 2014
    2)Can't afford universities which have per semester cost greater than 10000$
    3)Don't want to go in university which do not have bright future prospective.

  4. #234
    MS in US Fresher
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    Jan 2013
    Hey Guys, Here is my Profile
    10th :78.66
    Engg:64.19(CSE from JNTU-Kakinada 1backlog)
    GRE:304(Quant-161, Verbal-143, A.W.A:3.0)
    TOEFL:81(Reading-15, listening-23, Speaking-23, writing-20) :'(

    I request you to let me know whether I get unconditional admit for the following Universities
    University of Texas at Arlington
    University of Louisiana at Lafayette
    University of Central Missouri

    Thanking you in advance

  5. #235
    MS in US Guru sowmya74's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    omg u really seem to b in a deadlock which also doesn't have many prevention techniques :| hey alsouncc has low tuition fee chck it out its a good one n wat abt uah? n one more suggestion if not spring u can wait till fall 14 na.. with ur prof u have very good chances y r u tryin to waste them on not so good univs n u already have evrything ready so if u apply to next fall early by end of sept u can have high chances of schlrshp as well.. just think for once n if u dont wnt to then go for ull n siu they r not so bad..

  6. #236
    MS in US Guru sowmya74's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    yeah there are chances go ahead

  7. #237
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Please suggest below list is Ok or not for fall 2013 ?

    Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
    University of Louisiana, Lafayette
    oklahoma city university
    university of bridgeport connecticut
    virginia international university

    GRE:312(Q 162 V150)
    ENG-68% ( GPA 3.95 out 4) ECE

  8. #238
    MS in US Guru sowmya74's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    1 2 3 univ's are good univ's donno about 4 n 5

  9. #239
    MS in US Fresher
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    Nov 2012
    Guys, its a tough one for me in finalizing one university from below 3 universities from which I got admit for Fall-2013.

    San Jose State University - MS in Computer Science
    Wright State University - MS in Computer Science
    University of Dayton - MS in Computer Science

    Profile: GRE: 301(V:143, Q:156), Toefl: 8, perc-70%

    Please kindly give your views about these universities by considering On-campus jobs, Cost of living, other expenses and Post-Ms job scenarios.

  10. #240
    MS in US Fresher
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    "Need help to choose one university"

    Guys, its a tough one for me in finalizing one university from below 3 universities from which I got admit for Fall-2013.

    San Jose State University - MS in Computer Science
    Wright State University - MS in Computer Science
    University of Dayton - MS in Computer Science

    Profile: GRE: 301(V:143, Q:156), Toefl: 8, perc-70%

    Please kindly give your views about these universities by considering On-campus jobs, Cost of living, other expenses and Post-Ms job scenarios.

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