Kindly evaluate my profile for M.S in C.S ( with focus on Artificial Intelligence ) Fall 2014
B.Tech - 8.3/10 from NIT-Trichy in Instrumentation & Control Engineering
Currently working in a software firm as Software Engineer ( 1yr experience and counting )
GRE - 1270 ( Quants - 790, Verbal - 480, AWA - 2.0 ) (2 years back)
TOEFL - 108 (R-29,L-28,S-26,W-25) (1month back)
After some googling came up with the following list of univs for AI, do categorize them into Ambitious,Moderate and Safe for my profile and also feel free to add any good univs for CS(with focus on A.I)
1)University of Massachusetts, Amherst
2)University of Michigan, Ann-Arbor
3)Oregon State University (Machine Learning)
4)Johns Hopkins University (NLP)
5)Columbia University (NLP)
6)University of North Texas (NLP)
7)University of Maryland, College Park (AI)
8)University of Minnesota (AI)
9)University of California, Irvine
Thanks in advance.