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Thread: Article: Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

  1. #141
    Pawan Araballi

    Evaluate my profile

    The following is my profile :
    GRE : 302 ( Quant : 158 verbal : 144 ) , AWA 3 , IELTS : yet to take
    B.E(Information Science ) : 8.41CGPA -- Approx 3.36
    12th : 85.83%
    10th :85%
    Working in IBM and have a experience of 1 year 3 months
    Planning for Fall 2015
    I am planning to apply for
    * University of Texas,Dallas.
    * SUNY Buffalo.
    * Arizona State University.
    * University of Minesotta, Twincities
    * University of North carolina.

    Please suggest me the SAFE and MODERATE universities and also evaluate my choices as well.

    Thank you

  2. #142

    MS in US FALL 2015

    GRE 300
    TOEFL 87( R18 L17 S24 W28)
    10th - 89.8%
    12th - 94.3%
    UG - 9.17/10
    2.5yrs of Exp

    Planning for FALL 2015

  3. #143
    Hi. Pls suggest me some good univs
    GRE score 301, quants-158 & verbal-143
    B.E. GPA-3.00

  4. #144

    Post suggest me

    gre 301 (quant 157 verbal 144) awa 3.5
    ielts 7
    major EE, done 2 projects and a mini project from NSIC government org
    acads 66.88% (3 backlogs cleared in 1 sitting)
    applying for fall 2015
    suggest me some plz...

  5. #145
    ajay jirati

    mis in usa

    my gre score(quat-156/verb-141 awa-2) 297, ielts-5.5 12th-84%, 10th-72%, B.E-74% please suggest me some dessent university for mis in us according to my profile. thankyou in advace. i completed my B.E in 2013
    email id jirati007@gmail.com

  6. #146
    hi i have gre score 288 . can i get any admission from any of the colleges? please reply urgent.. i m so worried..

  7. #147
    pavan Kulkarni

    profile evaluation

    I got 288 (va-135,QA -153) in GRE, can i get admission to any of the colleges?

  8. #148
    Hi Guizz,

    10th- 78%
    12th- 76%
    BE Mumbai Uniz - 62%
    GRE - 302.... 161 Q and 141 V
    Toefl- 10 Jan (yet to appear)
    Other curricular activities, sports and inter college competition certi...
    Strong LOR's and SOP.
    1 year work exp in Accenture, worked as a SAP MM consultant..
    Can you please suggest univ for MS in Data Science...
    Your help is highly appreciated.

  9. #149
    Ann maria
    verbal 149
    quant 159
    toefl 99
    gpa: 7/10
    Planning for MS in computer science and engg.

    Please suggest some universities

  10. #150

    Suggest university for computer science for TOEFL : 74 and GRE : 295

    Q: 155 , V: 140 and AW: 3
    TOEFL: 74
    Please suggest university for Computer science
    BE from pune university through out distinction.

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