Arizona state university average gre and ielts scores for cs
My GRE score is 319
Verbal 154 and Quants 165
AWA 4.5
Btech in civil from NIT with CGPA 7.48/10
Working in a PSU and will take an experience of 1 year before taking admission
And i wish to take a course in environment
I would prefer environment policy making and management but can also opt for environmental engineering
Please help me list down a few Universities where i stand a chance to get admitted.
Thanks in advance.
Hi my gre score is 302
ielts 6.5
my %ge is 77.8
plz suggest me some univesities
My Score is 310 + 3 (148+162+3). Yet to write TOEFL. I have 3 years of Job experience as an SE in an MNC. My B.Tech % is 73. What univesities i can apply for
what are the eligibility and score required for New York University?
My GRE 295 verbal: 140quant:155 AWA 2.CGPA 3.30(out of 4) IELTS I will be registration. BSc from Physics.what will I do ?
Hi, here is my profile..
btech-77.7%-No Backlogs
And I'm planning to do masters(electrical engineering) in sjsu [san jose state university] or san diego state university
How are the oppurtunities there for master students and kindly let me know can i get any other better colleges for my score..Also course structure,living expenses, job oppurtunities etc..
Thank you
In Advance
here is my profile..
btech-77.7%-No Backlogs
And I'm planning to do masters(electrical engineering) in sjsu [san jose state university] or san diego state university
How are the oppurtunities there for master students and kindly let me know can i get any other better colleges for my score..Also course structure,living expenses, job oppurtunities etc..
Thank you
In Advance
Hi I have 10=71
Graduation CGPA=6.1
Work Ex 6
GRE 292
Verbal 145
Quan 147
Suggest any better school
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