• Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

    Here is list of Average GRE Scores required for admission into US Universities. Average GRE Scores means the average of GRE score of all applicants accepted in a University or Graduate Schools in USA. You can look into average GRE score to find out what range of GRE scores a university is accepting. Minimum GRE, Maximum GRE score of the applicants will be around this average score.

    If you are applying to competitive majors like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, add a score of 5 + to the verbal and Quant scores below. If you are from non-engineering majors you may do 5- in each sections to get your required Revised GRE score to apply to a university.

    Average GRE scores for top US Universities

    Here is a list of US universities with the average Revised GRE scores for their MS and PhD programs

    US Universities listed by GRE Scores >>

    Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA >>

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 159
    Writing: 5.3

    Stanford University:
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 158
    Writing: 4.8

    University of California, Berkeley:
    Verbal: 153 – 156 score range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.5

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of Virginia:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Michigan – Ann Arbor:
    Verbal: 160 range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Georgia Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.3

    University of California – San Diego:
    Verbal: 162
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.5

    University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    University of Wisconsin – Madison:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 731
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Washington:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Pennsylvania State University:
    Verbal: 150
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Florida (UFL):
    Verbal: 154
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Texas , Austin:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    Ohio State University:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    California Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 157
    Writing: 5.0

    Duke University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Chicago:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Northwestern University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Washington University in St. Louis:
    Verbal: 161
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Johns Hopkins University:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 164
    Writing: 4.8

    Rice University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    Emory University:
    Verbal: 153
    Quantitative: 306
    Writing: 4.0-6.0

    University of Notre Dame:
    Verbal: 165
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 5.3

    Vanderbilt University:
    Verbal: 157
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.8

    William and Mary:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Johns Hopkins University
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 162
    Writing: 4.2

    Universirty of Texas At Dallas
    Average Verbal Score 150
    Average Quant Score: 163

    Rutgers University
    Average Verbal Score 152
    Average Quant Score: 162

    Please add scores for other US Graduate School GRE score requirements in the Comments.

    Average GRE Scores, GRE Cut off Scores - Duke University
    Comments 224 Comments
    1. raj007win's Avatar
      raj007win -
      Hi, Please evaluate my profile.
      Following are my score
      GRE- 316 (QA166, VA150) AWA 3.0
      Toefl score awaited
      B.Tech from DTU (Formely DCE) - 74.3%
      12th- 92.4% and 10th - 86.8%
      I have 2 years of work experience in a MNC and planning for Fall-2016.
      Can you suggest me whether universities like Georgia Tech or UT Austin or UCB or USC for their Industrial Engineering/ Supply Chain Engineering program (Relevant Work Experience) should be considered? Or should i opt for some other universities.
      I don't feel good about writing GRE again.
    1. Neelakshi's Avatar
      Neelakshi -
      Please suggest some universities in the U.S. with good chance of admission as well as good placements.
      GRE - 319 (V- 154 Q-165, AWA-3.5)
      TOEFL - 110 (R-27, L-27, S-27, W-28)
      CGPA - 8.08/10 (not from IIT/BIT)
      1 year work experience in IT.
      Program interest - Aerospace engineering

      Universities selected-
      Georgia Instt. of Tech
      Purdue Univ West Lafayette
      Univ of Michigan Ann Arbor
      Univ at Buffalo, SUNY
      Univ of Illinois Urbana Champaign
      Arizona State Univ.
      Wichita State Univ.

      Please review if these are fine, and suggest some other univ which are good in aerospace and will fit my scores and experience.
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      My score in GRE is 305(Q-161,V-144) with AWA 3.0 . My toefl score is 98 (READING,WRITING SPEAKING-24 each,LISTENING-26).My undergraduate GPA is 8.61
      Please suggest me some universities for Computer engineering in US...
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      can u suggest me best universities for masters in construction management please ?
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      My GRE score is 293 (verbal : 144 and quantitative : 149)
      TOEFL : 98(Reading : 20, Listening : 25, Speaking : 24, Writing : 29)
      Please suggest me some decent universities for computer science
    1. bvsankit2010's Avatar
      bvsankit2010 -
      hey guys..seriously need ur advice.. secured GRE score of 303 and a TOEFEL score of 102. So cud u suggest me sum 5 good universities in the specialization of VLSI.. reply asap..
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      My profile:
      BE Mechanical Engineering, Mumbai University
      FE : 59.93% (2 kts)
      SE : 58%
      TE : 58%
      BE : 65%
      GRE 307 (v150 q157)
      Toefl 97

      Good Extracurricular and co-curricular, lor from principal hod and project guide.

      intended field : MS in Aerospace
      1. Univ. of Dayton
      2. Oklahoma State Univ.
      3. West Virginia Univ.
      4. Univ. of Oklahoma
      5. New Mexico State Univ.
      6. George Washington Univ.
      7. Old Dominion Univ.
      8. San Diego State Univ.
      9. Florida Inst. of Tech.
      10. San Jose State Univ.

      I need to know if i can get better universities than the selected ones! thanks in advance
    1. Mayur121's Avatar
      Mayur121 -
      I will let you know some details so you could guide me accordingly...
      I am applying for Fall 2016 for computer science program.
      My GRE score is 314 on 340.
      TOEFL is 110 on 120.
      GPA is 3.61 on 4.
      Which universities would you suggest?
      I am not much interested in research. I just want good job opportunities.
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      GRE scores
      Verbal: 39
      Quantitative: 49
      Writing: 3
      Which university can I apply for Master of public health?
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Hi my gre score is 311 (v-146; q-165; awa-3)
      UG CGPA is 8.7 Mechanical Engg
      Can someone Suggest me some univs pls...
    1. sailusha's Avatar
      sailusha -
      hii sir my gre score is 284(v-136,q-146,w-2)
      my b-tech score is 86% suggest me for best universities
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      This is an awsome article that has almost all the info. Also have a look at the below one:
      Graduates Corner
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
      I have gre score of 316
      Quants- 166
      verbal- 150
      GPA- 9.2

      which university can I apply for masters in robotics field
      Hi Where did u joined for Robotics
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Hi everyone,

      I am planning to give GRE in a month .. I am getting score in the range 310-320 in the practice tests.
      Can you suggest me universities in US offering MS in MIS course with low out of station tuition fees. Need help ... thanks!
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      My gre score is 309(q161 and v148) awa=4.My UG CGPA is 8.01 from SRM university.Chennai and have work experience is 2 yrs,will I be able to get admission into Rutgers.My toefl score is 96.
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Hey , have scored 301(159q+142v)
      I have agg of 67% in B.E Mechanical..
      I know if I reappear I can score around 310 but I'll loose spring intake.
      I am 2015 graduate from MITE,magalore, VTU university..
      Kindly suggest me some good university for Engineering management courses probably in USA or Canada.
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      Verbal-150, Quant-163
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      I scored 293
      Verbal - 145
      Quant -148
      Do you think I can get any of these with a strong SOP and yes experience of Two years ?
    1. Unregistered's Avatar
      Unregistered -
      quants 165
      verbal 155
      awa 4
      kindly let me know the universitites for this score
    1. Harley Quinn's Avatar
      Harley Quinn -
      Quote Originally Posted by thakkar View Post
      Hello Sir,
      Verbal 139
      Quant 162
      AWA 3
      tofel 95

      Can U suggest me some universities plz
      MIT, Stanford University, IIT Madras, IIT kharagpur
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