• Average Revised GRE Scores for Top US Universities for Masters and PhD

    Here is list of Average GRE Scores required for admission into US Universities. Average GRE Scores means the average of GRE score of all applicants accepted in a University or Graduate Schools in USA. You can look into average GRE score to find out what range of GRE scores a university is accepting. Minimum GRE, Maximum GRE score of the applicants will be around this average score.

    If you are applying to competitive majors like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, add a score of 5 + to the verbal and Quant scores below. If you are from non-engineering majors you may do 5- in each sections to get your required Revised GRE score to apply to a university.

    Average GRE scores for top US Universities

    Here is a list of US universities with the average Revised GRE scores for their MS and PhD programs

    US Universities listed by GRE Scores >>

    Profile Evaluation for MS, PhD in USA >>

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 159
    Writing: 5.3

    Stanford University:
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 158
    Writing: 4.8

    University of California, Berkeley:
    Verbal: 153 – 156 score range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.5

    University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA):
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of Virginia:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Michigan – Ann Arbor:
    Verbal: 160 range
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Georgia Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.3

    University of California – San Diego:
    Verbal: 162
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.5

    University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    University of Wisconsin – Madison:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 731
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Washington:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Pennsylvania State University:
    Verbal: 150
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Florida (UFL):
    Verbal: 154
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 3.0

    University of Texas , Austin:
    Verbal: 155
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    Ohio State University:
    Verbal: 156
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 4.0

    California Institute of Technology:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 157
    Writing: 5.0

    Duke University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    University of Chicago:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 4.0

    Northwestern University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Washington University in St. Louis:
    Verbal: 161
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 5.0

    Johns Hopkins University:
    Verbal: 163
    Quantitative: 164
    Writing: 4.8

    Rice University:
    Verbal: 160
    Quantitative: 167
    Writing: 5.0

    Emory University:
    Verbal: 153
    Quantitative: 306
    Writing: 4.0-6.0

    University of Notre Dame:
    Verbal: 165
    Quantitative: 165
    Writing: 5.3

    Vanderbilt University:
    Verbal: 157
    Quantitative: 166
    Writing: 4.8

    William and Mary:
    Verbal: 158
    Quantitative: 160
    Writing: 4.5

    Johns Hopkins University
    Verbal: 159
    Quantitative: 162
    Writing: 4.2

    Universirty of Texas At Dallas
    Average Verbal Score 150
    Average Quant Score: 163

    Rutgers University
    Average Verbal Score 152
    Average Quant Score: 162

    Please add scores for other US Graduate School GRE score requirements in the Comments.

    Average GRE Scores, GRE Cut off Scores - Duke University
    Comments 224 Comments
    1. Lost123's Avatar
      Lost123 -
      Please help me,

      I have a GRE score of 303 and a toefl of 105. doing my undergraduate in Civil Engineering. my average is about "B" for undergrad. This is my last sem and I took Information systems paper and intro to SAP in addition to my civil papers. i have applied to UIC, UTD, USF, USC, RIT, central michican for spring 2013.....UIC already rejected me for MIS. I thought this college will be an easy placement given its ranking of around 150. Now, i have serious doubts about getting into any of the coleeges i applied to.

      Please suggest what i should do. Im very confused.
    1. prachurya's Avatar
      prachurya -
      Want to apply for FALL 2013 session for MS in Computer Science and Engineering.
      I have taken my GRE, the results being the following:
      Verbal Section: 145
      Quantitative Section: 165
      AWA: results awaited
      My career goes as following:
      10th board: 88.42% (ICSE)
      12th board: 83% (CHSE, State Board)
      Btech: 9.68 CGPA (till 6th semester)
      I ahve not taken TOEFL as of now.
      Please suggest me the probable list of universities where I should apply to
    1. cssogxbp's Avatar
      cssogxbp -
      ObwR5X <a href="http://ggfmlbphxrps.com/">ggfmlbphxrps</a>, fpkvxeynirvx, [link=http://bxknpmgxkfnb.com/]bxknpmgxkfnb[/link], http://icemmkmyxhgg.com/
    1. vdqtgqh's Avatar
      vdqtgqh -
      aaIHHi <a href="http://gcjjpebztqnt.com/">gcjjpebztqnt</a>, qjofandczylg, [link=http://navaswucfjdr.com/]navaswucfjdr[/link], http://iaxakfehuqzk.com/
    1. mnuokdkhy's Avatar
      mnuokdkhy -
      RBf0KX <a href="http://apuevadbrssi.com/">apuevadbrssi</a>, wkyyanydkfwu, [link=http://pcmvbqreyhxk.com/]pcmvbqreyhxk[/link], http://katiguadbbgo.com/
    1. qibqxfri's Avatar
      qibqxfri -
      LRKSCe <a href="http://jobgaatluccw.com/">jobgaatluccw</a>, ciwbwnztazkz, [link=http://bdpukkvupbyq.com/]bdpukkvupbyq[/link], http://ebltergkfeeu.com/
    1. limqtlxqd's Avatar
      limqtlxqd -
      gpIjua <a href="http://rdepgvqaxrww.com/">rdepgvqaxrww</a>, cjvzerjrffga, [link=http://xzatfqlgwmva.com/]xzatfqlgwmva[/link], http://nqjsuxvqqjsc.com/
    1. thakkar's Avatar
      thakkar -
      Hello Sir,
      Verbal 139
      Quant 162
      AWA 3
      tofel 95

      Can U suggest me some universities plz
    1. pzwiqyuk's Avatar
      pzwiqyuk -
      Op4GSM <a href="http://rmpqgexbhgas.com/">rmpqgexbhgas</a>, hhqedrnoleph, [link=http://rxefprhaiugt.com/]rxefprhaiugt[/link], http://lsrpqpojgwmu.com/
    1. sahi's Avatar
      sahi -
      hey what abt university of cinciinati??????
    1. Darshan23's Avatar
      Darshan23 -
      Hello all,
      I require assistance in selecting some universities for applying in fall 2013 session for MS in US. in EMBEDDED SYSTEM My profile is :
      1) GRE : 295(Verbal - 135, Quant - 160, AWA - 4.5)
      2) B.E.(Electronics & Communication) : Pursuing in 7th Sem (up to now aggregate 8/10)
      3) 12th : 76% (Gujarat Board)
      4) 10th : 75% (Gujarat Board)
      5) Making 3 to 4 little projects based on controller
      6) Making final year project based on speech & signal processing using Digital Signal Processor
      7) Doing IMAGE PROCESSING for making Interactive Projector.

      So plz suggest me the universities which is best for my profile for MS in EMBEDDED SYSTEM...
      Hope for positive replay....
    1. kishor's Avatar
      kishor -
      Pls evaluate my profile :
      I wish to apply for MS in spring 2013-EE
      gre - 307(V-141, Q-166. AWA-2.5)
      Toefl - 90-100(expected)
      b.tech - 72.64%(2- backlogs cleared in 1 attempt)
      inter - 88.8%
      ssc - 86%
    1. sandeeps's Avatar
      sandeeps -
      hi i'm sandeep i want to pursue ms in pharmaceutical sciences for the spring 2013
      done with gre,my score is 300 quant-157
      yet to take toefl,taking on sep8th
      academic profile: 10th-89%
      b-pharmacy-81%(no back logs)
      please suggest me some universities offering pharmaceutics(or) industrial pharmacy that well suits my profile
    1. aanchal's Avatar
      aanchal -
      Quote Originally Posted by Kartik6402 View Post
      Try Univ Of Houston Main campus,UT Dallas.
      Tough chance at UT Dallas.. the GRE score need to be better.. atleast a 310..
    1. Chinmayee7's Avatar
      Chinmayee7 -
      2 yrs of experience in TCS
      Applying for MS in computer science...
      Can u plz suggest me better universities for comp science???
    1. sindhu22's Avatar
      sindhu22 -
      my gre score
      verbal 143
      quant 155
      b.tech 81% no backlogs(ECE)
      i want to apply for MS in CE for fall 2013
      can i get good universities ?
    1. suresh e's Avatar
      suresh e -
      given gre today
      got 281 quant 142, verbal 139
      10th 65%
      inter 66.8%
      ug 59% till 3-2 with 8 backlogs cleared.
    1. avirgo's Avatar
      avirgo -
      Hey everybody...

      My Master GPA is: 3.82 / 4
      My GRE score is:
      Verbal: 147
      Quantitative: 165
      AW: 3.0
      My TOEFL iBT is: 92

      Do I have any chances of getting admission from University of Florida? What about Wisconsin-Madison, University of Pennsylvania, and University of California Irvine?

      I will be pleased to hear from you guys as soon as possible.

    1. akanksha.m's Avatar
      akanksha.m -
      my gre score is 303..(verbal-147 quant-156)
      b.tech aggregate is around 67%
      i wanna pursue m.s in embedded systems or vlsi..
      someone plz help me to zero in good univs..

      Thanks in advance.
    1. akanksha.m's Avatar
      akanksha.m -
      hiii every one..
      my gre score is 303..(verbal-146 quant-157)
      my cgpa stands around 67%..
      someone plz help to zero in some gud univs..

      Thanks in advance..
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